Part 10. Who are you?

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I had fallen asleep, and as soon as everything around me fell dark, my eyes opened on their own

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I had fallen asleep, and as soon as everything around me fell dark, my eyes opened on their own. Standing before me was a man whom I couldn't identify. His two eyeballs shone like neon, and nothing else about him was visible to me.

Dad? Rud? No, it was impossible for him to be either of them. My chest felt heavier as it became even harder to breathe. My room suffocated me, and my muscles wouldn't respond. I had to keep staring right in front, and I had to keep witnessing how I was being stared back at.

My chest began to ache... I couldn't fight or flee, or react whatsoever. My situation made me feel vulnerable. Would he attack me? Was he only going to stare back forever? This can't really be happening...

That's right. This must be a dream. I'm still sleeping and I can't wake up.

Try to keep calm... It was hard, but I was getting there. I kept inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth, just as Rudolph had taught me to breathe when I felt scared. It relieved the pain a little, but my nerves wouldn't fully calm down. Instead, I feared every second for the moment he would come closer, or speak, or do whatever sombers in nightmares did...

He only stared at me, unmoving, unspeaking, unfathomable, as if nothing was wrong here, as if I wasn't in this room at all.

I didn't have the guts to try to move again. I was scared I'd feel my body tense from its paralyzed state again.

"Gahh" a muffled scream came out as I gradually forced my throat to speak, to mutter, to make any possible sound. I could ask for help, I should have, but in my mind, only one question roamed, growing a desperation so intense, nothing stopped a mid-whispered call,

"Who are you?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, his eyes fixated on me gleamed weaker and weaker, like light bulbs running out of gas... And then I heard it, a whisper calling my name.


It had no mouth. It had not moved. But it whispered, as calm as the night, as far as I could tell. Why did it know my name? Was it real?

"I'm here, Randy."

His words made my eyes widen.

I knew them from before. He had... No... But that didn't happen? Did it?!

"I'm..." It kept whispering, "" It was hard for him to keep up; his eyes faded too, as well as his silhouette. "Randy..."




The last whispers had merged into a clear and louder voice. I felt my body being shaken, and someone tried to wake me up. I opened my eyes, gasping and jumping as I sat up in my own bed.

"I'm awake!" I half-yelled, feeling half-relieved.

"Finally! Son, I've called you a thousand times. Dinner's ready." It was my mom. She was in my room, sitting next to me on my bed.

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