Part 6. Infirmary

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Darkness and light transitioned in the hallway, leaving me tense and confused

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Darkness and light transitioned in the hallway, leaving me tense and confused. It felt like day and night converging, all at once. And then, it stopped.

"Randy!" A voice yelled my name.

"Are you okay?" Faye bent over me.

I slowly revealed my face, and my body relaxed. I turned, cringing a bit as her awkward hand barely touched my shoulder.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

She hesitated before responding, "I came after you to check if you were fine."

"Are you okay?" She asked shyly again.

"I..." My voice struggled to formulate a proper answer.

My whole body told me something was definitely wrong, and my mouth dared me, rendering me unable to lie.

"I don't know," that was the most honest answer I could give.

The bell rang again before she could say anything, and even though I didn't feel like heading to class, I stood from my spot on the floor. The hallways soon filled with more classmates heading to their classrooms.

"Let's get you to the infirmary," Faye stopped me.

"That won't be necessary."

"Just to check if you're fine," she insisted.




I wasn't sure what I could tell the school nurse that would help me, but if it meant skipping class, even if just for a bit, then I guess I could take it.

"Well, Randy," the nurse spoke after checking me well, "I think you must have a little headache from wearing too many clothes in spring. I'll give you some meds, and you should be able to attend your classes once the effect is done, okay?" She said as she moved to the med cabinet and took out the pills.

"You're old enough to drink this; go grab some water from the oasis."

I nodded and did as she told me.

Faye sat next to me, insisting on making sure I was fine, assuring the nurse that I felt really bad. I wasn't sure she believed me, and I was even more sure I didn't need the pill, but whatever.

"Faye, right? What class do you have next?"


"It's okay; I'm just going to write your excuse for coming late."

Faye relaxed and told the nurse the details she needed to write the note. She had done mine earlier, so I was free.

I drank some water and then swallowed the meds.

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