(The Menacing Anti-Spider / Spider-Verse Story ) Chapter 3 "Three Spider-Men?"

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Oscar pov

We were able to get out of the subway and headed back to Vision academy dorms. Once I was in my dorm I got ready for bed and headed to sleep. As I was sleeping I felt something weird happening to me. I couldn't understand what it was but it was strange cussing me to toss and turn in my sleep.

( Small time skip )

It was now morning and as I got up out of bed I felt very different. I didn't think much of it until I went to my personal bathroom. Once I was in my bathroom I noticed something different about me when I looked in the mirror.

 Once I was in my bathroom I noticed something different about me when I looked in the mirror

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"What the? What's going on with my body?" I thought to my..... "Wait? Why is the little voice in my head so loud now?" I thought to myself. I just simply shock my head before putting on all of my clothes on and. Getting all of my stuff together before heading out of my dorm.

( Another small time skip )

I was now in the Hallway trying to get to my next class. As I was I couldn't help but continue to feel wired. "This is so strange. I feel like my whole body is different.... And seriously? What is up with my thoughts being so loud?" I thought to myself before looking around. As I looked around just trying to figure everything out. I ended up bumping into someone.


Oscar / ????: Oof!

Oscar: Oh! Sor..... Gwen!?

I said when I realized it was Gwen who I bumped into. I even noticed she had on the necklace that I won for her last night.

Gwen: Oh hey Oscar. I was..... Hey. Are you okay?

Oscar: Huh?

Gwen: You seem all sweaty and.... Different?

Oscar: Oh. Well I. I got bit by a bug........Or two. Its no big deal. But I did want ask if you had fun last night?

Gwen: Oh! Yeah I did. I really had fun. Thank you for last night.

Oscar: Oh. Uh No problem.... Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out again? You know like. Go out for lunch or..... Maybe a coffee?

Gwen: Oh. I uh.... I'm afraid I can't.

Oscar: Oh.

I said with a sarrow toan in my voice while looking away. This must have caught Gwen's attention because she then used her free hand and grabbed a hold of mine causing me to look at her.

Gwen: It's not that I don't want to. Believe me Oscar I really do want to go out with you. Infact. I really liked hanging out with you. It just...... Well.... Family stuff.

Oscar: What do you mean?

Gwen: Let's just say. I'm going to have to be going back home soon.

Oscar: Oh. I understand. Do you know when you'll be going back?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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