(The Menacing Anti-Spider / Spider-Verse Story) Chapter 2 A New friend

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Oscar pov

It's been a week since I came back to Vision academy and I must say it's been going pretty well for me. Miles on the other hand it's been rough and to make matters worse he wants to quit and he came up with a brilliant idea of purposely failing at all of his classes so that way they can kick him out. I've tried to tell him it's a terrible idea but he keeps on insisting. Yeah there's that but I've also made a new friend at least I think. Her name is Gwen Stacy. She's really sweet but I've noticed that she likes to keep to her self most of the time but. I've been successful in actually hanging out with her every now and then outside of both the classroom and school itself. But now I've been thinking about doing something a little bit special for her.

I was right now in the hallway getting some stuff from my locker. Once I got all my stuff I then started to head to my next class but then I stopped when I saw Gwen. She was just walking down a hall with her books in her arms. I then started jogging over to her and shouting her name to get her attention.

Oscar: Gwen! Gwen! Wait up!

She stopped and turned to me and I noticed when she saw me she smiled.

Gwen: Hey Oscar. What's up?

Oscar: Nothing much. But. I did want to ask you a question.

Gwen: Oh? What's up?

She said as we were heading to our next classes.

Oscar: Well there's a carnival in town tonight and... well... I was wondering if you wanted to.... Hang out you know just... You and me?

Gwen: You mean like a...... date?

Oscar: Oh well..... I mean.... YYYYeeesss?

I said all nervously while twirling my fingers as we stopped. I could tell Gwen was superisoed at my request which scared me a little but. I was then superised when I saw her start to smile and even speak.

Gwen: I would love to.

Oscar: *"excited"* Really?

Gwen gave me a small nod and a soft smile in response.

Oscar: Well alright..till then?

Gwen: Yeah. See you then.

She said as she then walked to her next class. I couldn't help but smile as I started walking towards my class knowing that I was going on a date with Gwen.

( Time skip )

Classes were now over and I was in my dorm getting ready for tonight. I even told Miles about my little date and he wished me luck before I headed back to my dorm to get ready. As I finished dressing myself I took a look in the mirror to see how I looked.

 As I finished dressing myself I took a look in the mirror to see how I looked

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Oscar: Not bad Oscar. Not bad at all.

I said to myself before I grabbed all my stuff and headed out the door. I then went over to the freshman dorms to look for Gwens room eventually I found it and started knocking on her dorm room. I Waited for a few seconds before I saw the door open.

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