CHAPTER 1 :- Lost in the Woods

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The dense foliage of the forest enveloped Alex, June, and Sam as they ventured deeper into the woods. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch endlessly before them.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" June asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she glanced around at the towering trees that loomed overhead. Alex frowned, studying the map in his hand. "I thought so," he replied, his brow furrowed in concentration. "But everything looks different than I remember." Sam shrugged, his backpack slung over one shoulder. "Maybe we took a wrong turn somewhere," he suggested, his eyes scanning the bushes for any sign of a path.

As they continued to trudge through the forest, their footsteps echoing amidst the quiet woods, a sense of unease settled over them like a heavy shroud. The forest seemed to close in around them, the trees whispering secrets that they could not understand. Suddenly, June stumbled over a root, sending her sprawling to the forest floor with a cry of surprise. Alex and Sam rushed to her side, helping her to her feet as she brushed dirt and leaves from her clothes.

They continued exploring the dense forest. Alex looked towards the sky. "Its getting dark. We should rest." He said. June felt uneasy but decided to do what her older brother said. They sat down under a tree and drank the water they had brought in their bags. " What a way to start our summer holiday!" said Sam . June laid her head on her brother's shoulder. Alex immediately understood. He asked her quietly," What is it June?" " I'm scared." she replied in a feeble voice. Just then Sam stood .

His eyes were wide with wonder as he pointed towards a glimmer of light amidst the foliage. "Look," he exclaimed, his voice barely above a whisper. Following his gaze, Alex and June spotted a shining stone lying amidst the underbrush, its surface gleaming in the fading light. With some hesitation, they approached it, their curiosity piqued by its otherworldly glow. As their fingers brushed against the smooth surface of the stone, a sudden burst of light engulfed them. When They opened their eyes they realized that they had been transported to a place they had never seen before. Confused they scanned their surroundings. They seemed to be outside the forest. It was a place they hadn't explored yet. June turned around and gasped. Sam and Alex turned around and their mouths hanged open .Blinking in astonishment, they found themselves standing in front of a grand mansion.

It had towering columns reaching towards the heavens like fingers of marble and stone. Before they could comprehend the magnificence of the mansion, the doors swung open, revealing two figures standing in the threshold. They were twins, their features mirrored in each other's faces. The girl had short wavy chocolate brown hair with blue highlights at the tips while the boy had messy chocolate brown curls dyed red at the tips. They both had brown eyes with blue, red ,green and gold flashes in them. "Hazel eyes." thought June. They both wore blue and red hoodie respectively with a black leather jacket on top. They looked like normal children, yet both possessed an aura of power and mystery that seemed to come from within. "Welcome," she said her eyes full of curiosity, voice soft yet commanding. "I am Ashley, and this is my brother, Jade. We have been expecting you." June could not help but feel jealous of Ashley's soft brown curls.

The twins turned and Alex caught a glimpse of their sharp jawline, something he always wanted. "Follow us "said Jade. Sam adjusted his bag and started walking behind them when Alex stopped him and asked, "Do you really trust these guys?" "It's either them or the wolves." said Sam, glancing at the dense forest. "Come on, or we will get lost in this mansion too." said June following the twins. Dejectedly Alex followed his sister and best friend, The doors shouting behind him with a large bang.

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