I found Luna sprawled on my couch, wine in one hand and her tablet in another. She was watching a movie and smiling at the screen. She had ditched her formal attire for one of the silk bottoms I had stocked up for her over the weekend and my sweatshirt which looked adorable on her tiny frame. She looked mine. I had memories of similar evenings years ago in the apartment we shared back in San Fransisco. This was life, I thought as I made my way over to her.

Her smile broadened when he saw me approaching. "Hey, you're early." She greeted offering me her lips. I obliged not missing the opportunity to ravish her with kisses and inhale her fresh soapy scent. She had showered. "You smell like me." That's how I liked her. Always marked by my scent.

"I used your body wash." She attempted to let go from my arms, but I held her for a bit more before releasing her.

"Would you like some wine?"

"That'd be lovely." She went ahead to pour me a glass while I took the time to take off my jacket and loosen my tie.

"Did Jason tell you I was here?" She returned with a glass of wine and snuggled close to me. That's when I noticed her soft tits were uncaged by the lack of bra and squishing against my arm. Dear God! My dick twitched at the sight.

"Yes." I lied because she was better off not knowing I was tracking her movements. After Christopher's sudden visit to her apartment, I couldn't be sure he wouldn't do it again. I needed to know her movements at every minute of the day, and I needed to keep an eye on her. I had asked Valentina to install the tracking chip in her phone when had left her pursue at her desk while I attempted to confront her about Christopher's visit. Someday I'd tell her about it. Someday I wouldn't need to track her. I just prayed she'd forgive me for it.

"I couldn't stay away when I knew you were here." She smiled and God did it make my heart skip a beat.

The oven timer beeped, and she jumped out of my arms and ran to the kitchen. Startled I followed her.

"I made dinner for you." This was what I wanted, coming home to her, having all my meals with her, and just watching her roam around like she owned the place. Our home. If only she'd consider moving in.

"You don't know how to cook, mia cara." I kept my tone as gentle as possible afraid she'd feel insulted. As much as I loved her and found no flaws in her cooking wasn't one of her many talents. Or at least that's what I remembered. I didn't mind at all. I loved cooking for her and watching her savour every bite with enthusiasm.

"Hey, I have learnt a thing or two from my smoking hot boyfriend who cooks delicious food." I saw her serve us roasted potato and meat with a side of salad and white wine. The food was tasty and better than I expected. I could tell Luna had poured her love and heart into it.

Before I knew it, I had cleaned my plate. "I want this every day." I heard myself saying.

Her lips curved. "Won't you get bored of eating the same thing every day?" She teased.

"This Luna," I sat my hand on hers and her smile faded, "you, me, living together. Just like old times. Seeing you work in my kitchen, I want this."

"Would you also like me barefoot and pregnant?" She was being sarcastic, but my heart leapt in my throat. I tried not to think of my uncertain future. I had resolved that I would have none a long time ago. This fuckery ended with me and I would bring no innocent life into this world to suffer the same fate I did. But I had never expected to meet Luna again let alone be with her. At twenty-three I was certain I would make Luna my wife and discussed having three kids with her in moments of quiet and peace after making love with her. We were young and I was barely out of college. Luna hadn't even graduated yet, but we were certain of the life we had planned. At twenty-eight, not so much.

Dangerous Illusion [18+]Where stories live. Discover now