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Author's POV -

"It's just that I think I like Minho hyung," Seungmin confessed to Felix.

"WHAT?!! REALLY?!!!" Felix was so shocked at this sudden confession that he screamed out.

"Calm down lixie." Seungmin said as he saw other people looking at them. He looked at others and said sorry with a slight bow.

"Well, now tell me. What the fuck is actually going on between you two?" Felix asked me.

"Umm, it's just that, the thing. You know that.. ummm..." Seungmin couldn't find any word how to explain this to Felix.

"Seungmo, if you really want to feel me about it, then tell me. You are my best friend. And I'll do my best to support you and be there for you no matter what. You can open up to me." Felix said giving Seungmin the assurance that he will always be by his side.

Felix has been with Seungmin since their childhood. Felix knows everything about him. Including his tragedic past.

Seungmin's POV -


When you and other, I mean us became friends with Minho hyung, Chan, hyunjin and Changbin hyung, you know we have been going to home together. He would drop me off at my home everyday. He would really care about me.

One day when returning from school, Minho hyungs car suddenly broke down. So we continued to walk.

Suddenly the rain started to pour. And we had no umbrella with us. So we run towards a near bus stand. We were standing under the shade. The rain had no intention of slowing down, but it kept on pouring harder and harder.

Then, actually something happened. I mean, umm we kissed. I don't remember why even and how we kissed. When we pulled out of the kiss we saw the rain had stopped.

I realised I was becoming a blushing mess.
So I run towards.y home. I didn't even said anything to Minho hyung. Not even goodbye.

I think after that I started to fall deeper for Minho hyung.

End of Flashback

I finished my story and looked and Felix. I saw him looking at me with totally surprised and shocked look.

"Oh my goodness!! Are you for real, Kim Seungmin?!!!" Felix asked me. He looked at me as if someone gave him shock with 240 Volt current.

I only nodded in reply.

"And when all this happened?" Felix inquired me raising his eyebrows.

"Well, umm, 1 month ago," I replied as I could feel I started to blush again remembering that event.

"WHAT?!!!!!!!" Felix again shout out and others again gave us that weird look.

"Calm down lixie. Others are looking at us, " I asked as I started to get shy again.

"For fucking God's sake! It happened 1 month ago. And you are only telling me this now?!!" Felix asked me with a pout.

"I was just too shy. And confused about my feelings also. So I decided to figure out my feelings before telling you these before," I replied.

"So now, you figured out you feelings. And you like Minho hyung?" Felix asked and I nodded in reply.

"Then when are you going to confess?" Felix asked me.

I was flustered at this question.

"Well, I'm not sure how Minho hyung thinks of me. So I don't want to confess it of nowhere. If he doesn't like me the way I like him, it will only destroy our friendship. And I can't afford to do so." I replied.

Felix only sighed at my response.

"Then now let's go to my house and share this shocking piece of news with the other two, ok?" Felix asked me. "And remember, no matter what do you decide to do, we will be always by your side." Felix again assured me with his bright smile.

"Ok, let's go. But can you guys please keep this secret for me??" I asked.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us." Felix replied with a assuring smile.

I could only thank them in my mind. It has been on my mind for a long time. I also wanted to share something more. I couldn't collect the courage to do so. I was afraid the will get hurt because of me.

Word count: 700

Double update.

Chapter are getting shorter right?? And I'm sorry guys. You guys wanted Seungmin to open up to his friends. But I couldn't make him to do so. So sorry.

Next chapter will start off with Minho's POV and his story sharing with his friends.
That's a little spoiler??

Anyway Good byee~~~

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