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Minho's POV -
We had a really hearty meal. After the meal everyone started to depart for their houses. Me, Chan hyung, Changbin, hyunjin were the last to come out.
When we came out we saw seungmin for afar. He looked like he was lost. I stopped for a moment. Then hyunjin asked me to grab the opportunity to approach him and be his friend.
I also thought it might be good. So I slowly started to approach him.
I don't know but I could feel something was really wrong with him. He seemed like he cried. But when I almost got near him, he seemed like he got really afraid of something and ran away.
He didn't even looked back.
Everyone of us was literally shocked.
I suddenly started to feel guilty. "Have I done something wrong? Does he hate me?" I mumbled.

"I think something must have happened to him. He looked really exhausted and somewhat devastated. I think that's why he was run away like this. So you don't have to feel down." Chan hyung said giving me a slight pat on my back.

"But I want to be by his side when he is going through something. I want to be by side when he is facing problem. Stand by his side and help him go through the problem. Share his burden. Hyung I don't know but I felt really hurt seeing him like this. I felt someone stabbed me. I wanted to run after him. I wanted to him to tell me everything he was going through." I said. My tears were threatening to fall down.

"Hyung, according to the informations I got he is a really shy and calm guy. He barely talks to others other than his 3 friends. So if you want to get close to him you will need to get close to him. Befriend with him. Only then you will be able to close to him and share his burden." Changbin said me.

"But can't you see, he always ignores me. How will I be even to befriend him if he always keeps ignoring me like this?" I said. Then I started for my house. Didn't even bothered to wait for the guys.

"Hyung, hyung listen to us. Hyung!!!" I could hear hyunjin calling me but I didn't bother to look at them. Now my only destination was my home.

Author's POV -

Minho avoided hyunjins calling and left for his home.
The other guys could only sigh as they saw Minho going away. They were feeling down since they couldn't do anything for their friend who was suffering from lovesickness.

"What to do hyung?" Hyunjin asked the other two.
"Well, if Minho doesn't do anything, he will only suffer more and I know how it feels when you love someone but can never confess and when he goes away , it hurts more. It takes much time to recover from this. And from what I see, Minho will suffer worse if he keeps falling deeper and doesn't confess or take any step." Chan says with a very serious face.
"Then we should help him take a step." Changbin says moving his shoulder and hands dramatically.
"Do you have any plan hyung?" Hyunjin asks with curiosity. Changbin just smirks in reply. The other two starts to laugh as they understood what Changbin means.

Next day:

6 in morning. Alarm started to ring. But today seungmin didn't get up. He wanted to skip school today. He didn't want to care about anything today. He just to to rest the whole day, spend time all alone. So he called their house caretaker and gave her a day off.
He remained in his bed remembering his childhood memories. How sweet his family was! They lived so happily.
But everything changed 2 years ago.
His parents started to stay outside most of the time, giving work as their reason to stay outside. But seungmin was bog enough to understand this.
That's why he never asked his parents to stay if they didn't want to stay. And he also never told what always happens at school, the thing about getting bullied.
While thinking all this seungmin dived into dreamland again.

On the other hand, Han and Felix reached earlier than their usual time. They saw none of their friends arrived. So they decided to take a stroll at the field, enjoy the greenery.
When walking and talking about random things they accidentally bumped into two guy.
Felix didn't noticed at first as he was too indulged into the conversation. So we he looked at the guy he bumped into, he was totally flustered. He face had become bright red.
Changbin chuckled as he saw the flustered freckled boy. "I'm sorry. Are you fine? Did I hurt you somewhere? Do you need me to take you to infirmary?" Changbin asked.
Felix became more flustered at these questions and started to stutter, "N-no no. I-it's alright. And I'm fine."
"If you don't mind may I ask you name?" Changbin asked. Felix was shocked at this point. His crush asked for his name?? He started screaming internally. Jisung who has been beside Felix all along slightly pinched and as he snapped backed to reality he told him to tell his name. "Oh-h, my name is Lee felix, Lee Yongbok Felix." Felix answered. "Yongbok. That's a really cute name just like you." This time Felix started to blush like crazy. "U-uh thank you." "By the way, I am Seo Changbin and this my my best friend hyunjin." "Hwang Hyunjin." This time hyunjin said. "Nice to meet you." Then they looked at Jisung.
"Hello, guys I'm Han Jisung. You can call me Han for short. And nice to meet you too." Han said.
"Then we are friends right?" Changbin asked raising an eyebrow. "Friends?" Felix asked in confusion and then after exchanging a few glance with Han. He said, "alright then. Friends." Offering an handshake. Changbin gladly accepted it.
Later he offered to have lunch together. Felix and Jisung gladly accepted it. "Then at the lunch time you guys can meet seungmin and jeongin also. They are also our best friend. I am sure they will gladly accept you guys." Felix said.
"Umm, then can we bring Minho hyung and Chan hyung also? I mean if you guys don't mind." Changbin asked.
Felix and Jisung were a little shocked at this sudden offer.
"If they are willing to join us we will gladly welcome them." Jisung said this time.
"Okay then, class we will start soon. See you at lunch. Goodbye." Changbin and hyunjin bade the youngers goodbye.
And started to head towards their classroom.
"Step 1 is accomplished. Now let's go to Minho hyung. He must be still at the soccer field." Changbin said with a wide grin on his face.
"Humm. Let's go." Hyunjin agreed with Changbin, heading towards the soccer field to find their hyungs.

Word count: 1159

A/n- it was relatively a longer chapter. Right??? How did you guys liked it??? I'm really nervous still. Do remember to tell me how it. Otherwise I don't know what I'll do ??

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