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Sleeping on the upper room was not my best idea. The noise from downstairs only allowed me to sleep at the early morning hours. I was exhausted at day break but I still had to go to work in the fancy restaurant where I was a waitor at. I did not like the place but I guess I did not have an option if I had to find an apartment AND feed myself in the next few days. I sluggishly dressed up in the red and white striped uniform that I was supposed to wear to work after taking a warm shower. Thank God for the bar hot showers.

The bar was not far from the restaurant so I could walk there. The moment I descended the stairs to get to the bottom floor, I felt like this day would absolutely go wrong. Not to mention the fact that I did not have enough money to afford my morning coffee. I hurried out of the bar after wishing my boss a good day and thanking him once again for the accommodation and care I had received from him. I allegedly tripped on the sidewalk and unlike in those amazing romance novels, there wasnt a prince charming amazingly handsome man waiting to hold my waist and steady me so I would not fall, in fact, my face made contact with the cement in a horribly painful way and I let out a muffled groan. I sat up to see people incredulously staring at me and I groaned again, before I felt liquid flow down my nose. I reached up to touch it and my two fingers came back red and sticky. I checked my watch and let out a frustrated sigh. Great! I would be late, I was bleeding and I was dirty.

I stood up and used my handkerchief to clean my nose hurriedly, I did not care if at all it was still bleeding, I had to get to work before Donald my manager would fire me. As soon as I entered my workplace through the back door, all my colleagues stared at me like I was some weird clown. It was only my best friend Kenzie who cleared her throat and spoke.

"Jake...uh...you got a little...." She motioned to her nose and I understood what she meant.

"Lemme help you mehn...what happened to you today?"  Mike my other best friend asked. I sighed as he took my hand and led me to the male restrooms.

"Don't worry, Kenzie has been covering for you so the manager did not notice you're late." He stated. I nodded gratefully. I owed this two the world. They appreciated me with all my flaws honestly.

"You won't believe what I found today by the way..." Said Mike not bothering to note I was not in the mood to talk on this particular day.

"I was called to the boss' office and then I saw this magazine laying around and it had fashion stuff on it and some tech stuff so I asked him if I could take it and he was like yeah sure...so I took the magazine and was looking through at the fashion articles and I came through this job advert...." Immediately I heard that I perked up.

"What was it about?" I asked too excited. He smiled and continued helping me clean my nose before he continued.

"Well, it Was a job at one of the tech business companies and it said you need a degree in business and commerce and I remembered you studied that in college and I was like...amma tell my boy Jake about this...." I cut him off again.

"When?" I asked. He stared at me incredulously.

"Uh...today? Weren't you listening?" He seemed frustrated. I shook my head too excited to get mad.

"I meant when is the interview?" I asked. His eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Oh...yeah..its next Monday..." He said smiling. I hugged him. I know he was shocked. I never hugged or even became close to anyone not even him and Kenzie.

"Thank you Mike...thank you so much for doing this for me." I mumbled into the hug. He patted my back and chuckled. Considering he was a good three inches shorter than me, the hug was a warm one that I wanted to last forever but it couldn't. That would ruin my reputation of being cold and closed off. I pulled back to stare at Mike's deep brown eyes. He was a guy but he was too pretty to be a guy. He was also gay, but he wasn't my type. Mike looked like a twink. He was lean, no muscles and pretty long lashes and eyes. His full lips were always envied by the female employees and also because he seemed to get more tips from the males and females who thought he was adorable than any of them. I lie not, he IS adorable.  He had a pretty baby face and an amazing style for fashion. He actually did not like it when people called him Mike,He liked his middle name, Sasha more. I rarely used that though, bit he was OK if it was me. Mike's boyfriend was actually pretty rich. And by rich I meant he was our Boss' boss, the CEO of all the Bon Appetite restaurants across the globe, why Mike worked as a cashier for our restaurant branch was something none of us comprehended, but no one messed with him, not even the boss, and he never demanded salary, he always said he was doing it for the love of his life. Mike would probably help me out if he knew what I was going through but I was not going to depend on my best friend just because my life was not working out,besides,him finding me a job was the greatest thing anyone had ever done for me, well...if I get the job that is,but I was determined to...I needed the money and that was a great opportunity to finally put my degree to work.

"Can i see the magazine?" I asked and he blinked his big doe eyes and smiled at me innocently.

"Yes of course...I kept it in your locker since you were late..." He stated proudly. I could not have wished for a better friend. I thanked him and rushed out of the bathrooms towards the locker room. My nose was no longer bleeding and that was a good sign.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 09 ⏰

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