Rose - 02

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After 4 Years :-

The black shade fall in front of her eyes as she felt weak on her muscles, clearly understanding she is going to pass out any moment. In a matter of seconds she lost her conscious in a bright room covered in a glass.

A person standing beside her noticed her dozing off and turn the main tube light on in front of her face. He picked his camera as he now guess that she is no more in her conscious. After getting her some clear pictures he walked towards his chair and table with pair of computer to work on.

As process start, her pictures were washed and then the other process of fake passport and ID cards started. Two other personal sturgeon of that 'main' person came and stand in front of the girl. They were wearing safety mask and cap.

Putting a light on front of her, they started their work by making her half face looks like a huge burned mark. They didn't actually burn her face but if someone did her tests so it will probably showed that her face is burned.

The two hour work ended here where others paperwork were also almost ended.

Time passed by so slowly as the girl still was in deep sleep because of the chloroform they made her sniff to start her not so real operation.

The passport and ID card was done processing. A person who earlier take her photograph again approached her unconscious figure and take one more photo.

After completion the work of passport and ID card, he showed it that how the eyes of passport girl matched to the girl laying in front of them.

So yes, it's true they take the passport of dead Iraqi female solider who had a burned face, but her death was not confirmed or known by anyone as nobody know she died today.

That 'main' man did that, he killed her to get a easy way to have passport. He send his right hand person disguised as that 'iraqi female solider'.

Surgery her face to half burned like that solider. Luckily both have quite same eyes so that helped more.

They made a fake passport on that Iraqi female solider name and print her, 'the girl who is in front of them, unconscious' her picture and other I'd cards and at the end all the work was done, now it's her luck she get approved while going on a border of Iraq and turkey.

In matter of hours the girl slowly started to gain her conscious and as she opened her eyes, she felt like her face is laced with wax that she can't even take a better breathe. Taking out an uncomfortable sigh she looked up to see a man who did her every paper work.

"Lot of effort, huh" he chuckled looking at her uncomfortable face while trying to breathe in a normal way

"It feels like I have bundle of wax laced on my face. That's disgusting" her cold voice which was also frustrating reached every corner of huge glass room

As she helped her self holding a rail and get up from small single bed, her hairs were covered in a hijab cap.

"Will you please give me some privacy so---"

Her words came out a bit softly as a understanding manner, the man smiles and nodded his head understanding her completely.

"Sure" saying this he left the room

She turned her head towards a mirror and then take off her hijab cap, taking care that it won't touch her face. Her curly and wavy golden hairs fall on her shoulders lasting on her hips.

A tiering sigh left her mouth as she looked up and closed her eyes thinking deeply about something. She raised her both hands up, in front of her face and started to make Dua.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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