Something I noticed

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This is just some quick thoughts so sorry if it sounds like me rambling.

But if you've ever seen or met someone who doesn't like Moonwatcher, their argument/reasons are usually kind of off. I don't mean to be rude, you're allowed to not like a character, I've just never understood people's reasoning for not liking Moon.

Like for one, sometimes people dislike her just for the situations she's thrown in. I've seen some people say they dislike her because the fact she got long lost powers and that two dragons like her, make her such a "Mary Sue". I'm sorry, but I don't think it's fair to judge a character based on the situations they're thrown in. That's out of their control. What you should judge them on is how they react in those situations. How they act, their traits, personality, strengths and flaws.

I'm not going to go into too much depth as to not waste time, but Moon is not a Mary Sue. A Mary Sue is a character that can basically "bend" the world around it. The characters and plot will act in benefit of the Mary Sue. And I'm not sure how some people think this fits Moon? Some say she doesn't have enough flaws and is not relatable, and I don't mean to sound rude but it kind of sounds like projecting. She does have flaws if you're paying attention, like how sometimes she places too much trust in dragons. I think some people simply dislike her because she's "too nice" and want someone more "relatable". News flash, nice people exist.

Another reason I've seen people hate Moon is because of how trusting of Darkstalker she was and that she defended him when he was awful things. She defended him BEFORE finding out he did those awful things. He was pretty much her first friend so it makes why she'd trust him so much. And after she found out the things she did it's not like she continued to defend him, she confronted him.

Another reason I've heard is because she didn't choose Winter. They say it's unfair that she chose Qibli since Winter sacrificed so much. And to that I have to say just because someone made sacrifices for you doesn't require you to like them. Additionally, Winter giving up his status and life in the ice kingdom wasn't for Moon. Or at least not just for Moon. She's not the main reason. It's not as if he was expecting a bright future and gave it all up for Moon which is what I've seen some WoF fans act like it was. The main reason Winter left is because he realized how toxic the ice kingdom was. His time outside of the ice kingdom sparked this realization, not just Moon. Although wanting to be with Moon played a part in him ultimately deciding to leave I feel like people aren't realizing the true meaning of Winter leaving. It's about leaving behind toxic standards and pressure, not just something to win Moon over.

Anyways, those are just my quick thoughts; sorry if I sound like I'm rambling; I was just saying the first things that came to mind.

I didn't really proof read this so the grammar might be atrocious lol, my bad.

Let me know your opinion on Moon and why you feel that way!


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