Moonbli: Valentine's Day Special

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Moon was walking with Qibli, side by side, talon in talon, tails intertwined. That was how they usually walked together, yet this time it felt different.

February 14, 5013 AS. Their first Valentine's Day together.

Moon felt her stomach do various flips and summersaults. I hope this gift is good enough. It wasn't as if her relationship depended on it, their relationship was worth way more than such materialistic things. But still, Moon wanted to make this day special. She wanted to show Qibli how much she cared.

But like always, he was one step ahead.

"Qibli," Moon said. "Can you remind me why you're being so ominous right now?"

Qibli grinned at her and squeezed her talon. "I want to surprise you."

"Good surprise or bad surprise?"

"Good surprise," Qibli said. "Don't you trust me?" He tilted his head whilst giving her a mischievous smile.

"Sometimes...." Moon said playfully. Qibli shoved her. Jokes aside, she did trust him. With her life in fact.

The couple walked down the hallway, which was aligned with pink and red streamers and decorative hearts. Heart balloons were tied down to the floor along corridors. I guess the Dragonets of Destiny wanted to be festive. Moon extended a claw to run it against the adorned walls as she walked. Moon looked up. Hanging on the ceiling were rectangular boards with quotes written in chalk.

Your smile gives me Wings of Fire.

My heart is wherever you are.

Kind of cheesy if you ask me. Moon thought. She read more quotes.

Love is something eternal; the aspect may change but not the essence.

Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

Moon turned to look at Qibli. She looked into his focused obsidian eyes that she adored, at his pale yellow scales that radiated warmth, warmth that he was always willing to share with her when she needed it.

He really does make the ride worthwhile. Qibli pulled Moon closer to his side to keep her from running into a SkyWing walking by. So caring.
Qibli's features crinkled into a smile as he looked down at her. And handsome too...

"Moon," Qibli snapped Moon out of her trance. "We're almost there." Moon looked ahead, and cocked her head.

"You were being all mysterious about going to your cave?" Moon raised her brow.

Qibli looked somewhat embarrassed. "It wouldn't have been as much fun if I had just told you we were going to my cave."

"Hmmm." Moon hummed.

They arrived at his cave and walked in. Moon looked around in awe at the decorated enclosed space. There were rows of roses lining the walls and paper hearts were hung down from the ceiling by strings. The cave was dimly lit up by a candle resting on Qibli's desk.

Qibli looked at her expectantly. "Do you like it?"

"I love it." Moon breathed. "This is really cute; when did you even have time to do all this?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Qibli winked at her.

Moon rolled her eyes. "May I give you my present? Or does the magician have more magic tricks he wants to show me?"

Qibli beamed at her. "I do, actually."

Qibli pulled out a box from God knows where. It was light pink tied with a red ribbon.

"Awww, thank you." Moon said. She untied the ribbon with her claws and lifted the lid of the box. Moon gasped. Is that what I think it is?

"No, way!" She squealed.

Qibli gave her a pleased look. "Yes, way."

Moon pulled out a scroll with a dark fabric casing with lightly colored speckles to look like a starry night sky.

"I've been wanting this astronomy scroll ever since it came out! How'd you get your hands on it?" Moon said excitedly.

Qibli grinned from ear to ear. "I have my ways."

Moon giggled. "This is amazing. Thank you. Thank you so much." Moon leaned into his shoulder and lowered her head. "I only got you some chocolate..."

Qibli took her talons in his and squeezed them. "I couldn't be more grateful that you got me anything at all."

Moon lifted her head. "Of course I did. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't?"

Qibli smiled. "I guess you're right." Moon took out a red, heart shaped box from her pouch and handed it to Qibli. He opened it eagerly.

Qibli looked at Moon in curiosity. "Not just chocolate." He pulled out two necklaces with incomplete hearts that were also in the box. One had the initial Q and the other with the initial M.

Moon blushed. "I-I saw them in Possibility and thought they might be cool to have."

Qibli smiled. "Very cool." He eagerly put one around his neck and lowered the other around Moon's neck.

Moon lifted the half-heart on her necklace and pointed to the Q initial. "It's like I'm carrying a piece of you with me."

Qibli gave her an affectionate grin. "You'll always have my heart."

"And you'll always have mine."

Now I sound like those cheesy quotes from earlier.

They walked to Qibli's bed and sat down. Qibli picked up a flower crown that was lying down and placed it onto Moon's head. Moon smiled up at him. Qibli lifted his half-heart necklace and connected it with her half.

"You complete me," Qibli said. "You know that right?" He twined his tail around hers.

Moon beamed. "You make this ride worthwhile."

Author's Note:

I finished started this like yesterday and rushed to get it finished today, lol. I just felt
the need to do a Valentine's Day themed chapter. One that was actually at least sort of good because I didn't really like the first one. I hope you guys enjoyed!

Word Count without Author's Note: 919

Total: 977

Update: I forgot to mention but this was inspired by Roses__Have__Thorns Moonbli oneshot titled "Moon and Qibli" in Valentine's  Day One-shots. I think the Oneshots in there are adorable and you should go check them out!

New Total: 1017

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