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Triton cringed at the sensation.

He had no other choice.

He lets go of the figure and pulls his arms back, only for the figure to still be latched onto his wrists, its claws digging deeper.


"Ceres knows about you being trapped. Hahaha imagine getting trapped." The figure taunted as they finally grabbed Triton's arm and pulled him closer to them.

Triton was not liking this anymore.

Now he was stuck with their sicko.

"Get off of me!" Triton yelled as he raised his leg back before high kicking him straight into his stomach.

Ceres screeched as they threw Triton away, clutching their stomach as Triton fell backwards, holding onto an asteroid as he pulled himself up. He raised his wrists to see water pouring out his wounds and the cracks splintering along his surface.


Suddenly an asteroid slammed right beside his face, knocking Triton's shades right off his face just by the sheer impact.

Triton's eyes widened as he glanced back towards Ceres who was floating in front of him, asteroids floating around him.

"You dare enter Ceres' home and attack Ceres?" It growled as Triton grabbed his shades, putting them away in his pocket before giving his attention back to them.

"The fuck are you talking about!? You attacked me first-!"

Ceres launched themselves towards Triton, asteroids following their gravity before they launched them forward.

Triton quickly shielded himself with his arms, withstanding the blows before a sudden hot pain sensation overtook his shoulder.


Ceres held Triton, teeth sinking into his shoulder as it attacked like a feral animal, the sound of his surface shattering and breaking apart filling the area.

He could feel the cold water leak from his wound now.

Triton was pissed now.

He tightened his hand into a fist as he began to launch blows into Ceres' face who only responded in growls and noises, its teeth digging deeper into his shoulder.

"GET." Triton landed another punch in its jaw.

"THE FUCK." And another.

"OFF!" And finally, with one final blow, Ceres lets go.

Triton screamed as he placed a hand over his wound, feeling chunks of his surface missing before glancing over towards Ceres who was grinning, its sharp teeth stained with blue liquid.

Ceres was not done, however.

He grabbed Triton by his neck, ready to choke him out or break his neck, only to feel something in its way.

Triton glared at Ceres and Ceres did the same thing before glancing down, facing the metal collar around his neck.

Ceres' eyes widened, seemingly something coming into its mind before narrowing his eyes, falling back into his insanity.

Ceres laughed as he gently pushed Triton away which caught Triton off guard.

"...heh..? Had enough-?"

"You and Ceres are almost the same."


Ceres laughed before twitching, "You are an idiot!" It raised its hands towards its own throat, scratching at it.

"You got trapped~" It finally giggled, blue staining its face and clothes.

"You got trapped~ You got trapped~ You got trapped~" Ceres laughed, sounding like a broken record.

Triton was getting annoyed. He was about to launch another asteroid at him before Ceres got close to him, staring at his face.

Triton then noticed Ceres' neck.

There seemed to be bad bruising around it.

Almost as if they were struggling to break free from being choked.

Then it clicked.

"Y-You- How-?"

"You are a trapped moon~"

"I am not a damn moon!"
"Yes you are~ You have a collar~ Planet's pet~ Planet's pet~" Ceres teased.

"I am not trapped... for long..." Triton spat out as he was about to leave out of this hellhole he stumbled upon.

Ceres seemed to twitch before letting out loud laughter. "Hahaha you don't get it? Ceres knows you are trapped forever as a moon now. It must suck, doesn't it~?"

Triton clenched his fist before stopping, "How did you get out of your collar...?"

Ceres paused and stared at him blankly, almost as if it got triggered by that question. Suddenly it seemed scared and looked at Triton.

"Need... need to escape...! Escape! Escape! Too late!"

Triton was a bit shocked by its reaction.


"Too late now! Needed to escape! He almost captured me! He hurt me...!" It's voice cracked.

Triton was now feeling some sense of dread over him.


Suddenly they both felt a heavy gravitational shift approach and Ceres screeched as it looked over at Triton.

"Leave! Leave now!"


"Leave!" Ceres screamed, realizing that Triton brought the planets close to them.

Triton tried to approach.

He needed answers but before he knew it, Ceres was gone.

Another dwarf planet just like him.

Trapped by this unforgiving system.

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