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"Jupiter! Jupiter!"

The planet being called out groaned, annoyed that he was suddenly interrupted in his reading.

"What is it now?"

"It's Neptune!"


Jupiter turned over to see Uranus speeding towards him before screeching to a stop, trying to regain himself after traveling a major distance at such high velocity.

"He-" Uranus gasped, trying to regain his composure while Jupiter just stared at him with a worried expression.

"You alright-?"

"No, I'm not alright!" He yelled before speaking, "You remember how you told Neptune to let go of that Dwarf Planet once it was better?"

"Uh huh?"

"Well, he didn't."

Jupiter seemed to freeze up before counting his fingers, seeming to be doing some math.

"23, 24, 25..."

Jupiter kept counting to himself, staring down at his fingers before landing on his index finger and realizing what the last number was.

"He waited it out," Jupiter spoke in an ominous tone.


"What's going on here?" Saturn approached as Uranus gave him a small glare.

"You! This was all your fault!" Uranus shouted at Saturn who jumped in response.

"Me!?" Saturn placed a hand on his chest, offended by the sudden outburst.

"Yes, you! If you hadn't stuck your face in our business, Neptune wouldn't have kept that thing in his orbit permanently now!"

Saturn remembered before narrowing his eyes towards the smaller ringed planet.

"Well, how was I supposed to know he wouldn't listen?"

"Have you not seen how obsessed he became with that moon!?"

"Reminds me of someone," Jupiter muttered under his breath as Saturn shot him a glare.

"Oh so now I get it. You knew what you were doing and suggested it-"

"I did not!"

"Enough," Jupiter spoke as the others stopped their bickering.

"None of this arguing will help us. Honestly, it was such a last-minute decision to try and keep both sides happy without escalating the situation. And who knows what outburst Neptune could've caused. He already seemed unstable and I didn't want to worsen that... but," he sighed deeply.

"It's too late for any of us to do anything to change the outcome..."

Uranus sucked his teeth, before relaxing as he realized that this was it. He failed.


The others were now intrigued.

"We can still keep our eyes on him and that Dwarf Planet of his. Especially you two since you are much closer to him."

Uranus nodded, "Thanks... yeah I will try my best don't worry."

He finally floated back to his orbit, unsure of how to handle this new responsibility.

"One more thing..."

Uranus turned around to face Jupiter.


"We are to never speak about this to anyone, okay? I don't want the rocky planets or the Sun to know how easily these celestial beings from beyond the Kuiper belt are sneaking past into our system... Who knows how they will react and I do not want to stir up panic."


"And if that dwarf planet causes any concerns, come and get me. I'll handle it."

Uranus stared at Jupiter for a moment, realizing how ominous he sounded and even looked.

Handle it? How?

"Alright... thanks," Uranus spoke, not wanting to push any further. He finally dashed back to his orbit, ready to keep Neptune and his moons safe from that thing in case.

Saturn still felt annoyed, but that feeling went away as he realized how serious things could be, especially with something from beyond the Kuiper belt making its way into the Solar System like it was nothing.

"Hey, Zeus?"


"Listen. I- I didn't want any of this to happen. I feel like such an idiot but ugh... I thought I was doing the correct thing..."

Jupiter glanced at him, noticing how Saturn seemed worried and even scared.

He patted his back, "It's fine. I got this."

"What if he-"

"He won't come back. I promise."

Saturn sighed before giving him a small smile.

"Well, I should really get going now. I left Titan and the others alone and I hope they aren't wandering around off my orbit."

"Sure go ahead."

Finally, they said their goodbyes, waving as they floated off.

As the planets retreated to their own perspective solar orbits, something watched from the shadows of the Asteroid belt. A shadow approached the edge asteroid belt, grinning wide as it watched the planets leave.

It usually never dared to get close to the asteroid belt, afraid of the larger beings crushing it to bits and dust.

But for some reason, it couldn't help but laugh to itself, finding it comforting that someone else got the captured treatment unlike it.

Well, it was far much better than being forced into isolation, losing your sanity and yourself since the beginning of this system, but at least he wasn't some planet's pet.

It has heard the past screams of the other fallen moons.

It has seen the crushed debris of these moons.

It has witnessed everything...

Who knows how long this new moon will last under the care of an insane icy giant...

Finally, it saw Jupiter approach before it dashed away deeper into the belt, giggling and throwing asteroids around, seeming to want to get rid of these new feelings and thoughts it had.

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