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A distant voice called out.

“Wakey wakey sleepy pants!”
Triton winced as he opened his eyes a bit, his head throbbing.

“Yay he's awake!”
“Yay, I'm so happy!”

Triton groaned at the chirping voices around him.
He tried to sit up, only to wince from the pain of the asteroids hitting against him which seemingly got worse when he was knocked out. He blinked a bit more before taking a glance at his surroundings to make sure he was in the clear.
He could only see his slightly torn jacket covering his body like a blanket seemingly removed from him. He removed his jacket, feeling the sleek fabric before looking down at his shirt. He lifted the collar of his shirt to be met with dark bruises all over his chest.


The next thing he noticed was the vast space around him, giving him a good indication that he was in the clear from any danger inside or near the Kuiper belt.

And finally, the figures…

“Well, I'm glad that you are awake!” The large being chirped as he picked Triton up with his hand.

“Woah woah- Hey!” Triton rolled onto his side as he held onto the giant's hand, not wanting to slip off and fall.

The blue planet then raised him close to his eye level and stared at him.

“Are you one of my moons?” He smiled.
“What? No- I- You pulled me in-”
“Huh… I never knew I had a big moon.” He stuck on his tongue as he tried to remember if he even had this moon in the first place.

“I'm not your moon! You kidnap-”
“I don't think you're one of Uranus’ moons either,” he said as he blinked his eyes one at a time.

Uranus? He’s heard of that name before… wait… that would mean that this is-

“What’s your name?”
Triton snapped back out of his thoughts and looked at him, “Huh-? Oh uh- Triton.”

“Triton… Triton… hmmm…” The giant reached for his chin, trying to remember.
Triton sat up, wincing a bit before putting his jacket on and reaching into his pockets to see that his shades were tucked away carefully. He pulled them out and lifted them towards the Sun’s light, trying to see if they were damaged or cracked in any way.

They were in perfect condition.

“Ah yes, Triton!”
Triton jumped a bit, forgetting that he was in someone’s hand…
And mercy…

“Well if you aren’t my best neigborino’s moon, that means you are mine! Maybe you got lost and finally came back to me. Glad to have you back, I missed you! Now we can all have fun times together!”
The small moons clapped their hands in joy, some very eager to be all reunited once more.
“Huh-? Listen-”
The planet bobbed his head side to side, a smile on his face, “We should celebrate-”

Triton growled, realizing that this idiot wasn't paying attention to him.

“Agh! Listen to me!”
Triton yelled as he launched himself upwards, flying close to the other's face ignoring his pain and injuries.
“I am not your moon! I never was! You dragged me into your orbit due to your gravity!”

The giant looked at him before a grin formed on his face, “Well that’s how I keep my moons with me at all times!” He laughed which caused Triton to glare at him.

“You know what? Screw this.”
Triton zoomed away, making a dash to get away from this place.

“Mister, where are you going? Wait!”
One of the smaller moons called out to him, only to get ignored.

“Cmon….! Almost there-!”

The blue planet took a step back which caused Triton to slingshot back into this guy's orbit.
“Agh!” Triton lost control of his flight, causing him to flail around backwards before he finally stabilized and floated back into orbit.

Triton panted as he tried to launch himself once more before his left leg gave out on him.
“Ugh! Dammit…”

The planet looked at him, a slight tinge of worry on his face, but overall he seemed overly positive.

“That looks like fun!”
“We should do that too!”
The smaller ones chirped out as they tried their best to launch themselves as fast as Triton could out of their orbit.

The moons giggled amongst each other as their planet’s gravity pulled them back in.

Triton stared at what they were doing.
“What the…?” Triton followed them with his eyes, realizing what they were doing.


He kept watching them, some giggling and screaming as they jumped around in joy while they waited for the others to finish their journey and meet up with the rest.

Triton sighed, tired since he still needed to recover from the injuries he sustained. He rubbed his leg, putting slight pressure.

He then went back to watching the rest of the smaller moons, before he felt something was off.
He quickly glanced at the moons that were all huddled up, waiting for the others.
There were currently four moons in the air while the rest watched in glee.
Two made it back down with the others and after a moment, one came back down with a spin.
“Wait where is the other-”
His eyes widened as he realized the last one was heading towards the Kuiper belt.

“Shit- Move!” He screamed in a panic as he got into position and was ready to launch himself forward, but his leg ached as it wasn’t bending the way he needed it to be so he could save them.

Triton gritted his teeth as he forced his leg to bend the way he needed it to be before letting out a scream in pain, his leg feeling on fire as if it were being ripped from his body.

The moon was only a few feet away before getting ejected into the Kuiper belt to be torn apart by the huge asteroids.

Triton finally launched himself towards the moon, gaining as much speed as possible while the others gasped and watched what was unfolding.

Triton couldn’t mess up now.
He was fast and he knew it.
He can make it.
He reached his arms out as far as possible, trying to reach out towards the small moon to pull them away from danger and lead them away from the belt.

Everything went by too fast and the sound of a loud crash filled the area.

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