Charles Leclerc

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Summary: How mornings go when you're with Charles

My eyes blink open as rays of sun, which creep in through the poorly drawn curtains, blind me slightly. I feel a strong grip around my torso and a warm hand tense on my stomach. I'm overheating, but I feel too comfortable to move away from the firm chest behind me. I look slightly to the side to see Charles' face resting on my shoulder and feel his soft lips kiss my neck as he wakes.
"Good morning, mon amore," he mumbles into my pyjama shirt, his deep morning voice sending shivers down my spine before I turn myself around to face him. His soft brown locks are dishevelled, and his closed eyes have bags under them from his deep sleep. He looks beautiful.
"Good morning," I manage to murmur out as I swiftly bury my face into his warm chest, placing a hand under his shirt on his waist. His fiery skin burns my cold hand, and I draw soft circles as sleep begins to take over me again. I'm about to drift off until I feel a hand shake my shoulder gently.
"Baby, you can not go back to sleep," he giggles softly. I grumble out a whine before pulling away from him and looking into his mesmerising green eyes. Before I can say anything, he gets out of bed and stretches, his white t-shirt lifting a little, exposing his toned stomach. I wolf-whistle, and he breathes out a laugh before moving to my side of the bed and pressing a delicate kiss to my lips.
"We need breakfast, my love," he mumbles against my lips before he pulls the duvet away from my body. I immediately curl into myself from the cold.
"Baby nooo," I whinge, attempting to grab the duvet back until he takes hold of my hand and pulls me up. Charles wraps his arms around my waist in an embrace, and my arms go around his neck, pressing light kisses to his collarbone. His hands move down to my thighs, and he taps them lightly
"Jump," he mumbles into my neck. I comply and wrap my legs just above his hips. I keep my face buried into his shoulder as he carries me downstairs. He holds me as if I weigh nothing and begin to prepare breakfast.
"Baby, I don't want to burn you, so I am going to set you down onto the sofa. Okay?" He asks. I just nod my head as he lays me down onto our couch and leaves me. I put on the television and wait for him to come back. He eventually returns with two plates of bacon sandwiches. I smile and kiss his cheek before digging in. We talk and eat for a little bit before I end up cradled in his lap, attempting to absorb all of his warmth.
"We need to get dressed, my love," he whispers into my ear
"Mmf, fine," I say back, getting up from his lap and walking back to our bedroom. I pull on some jeans and a T-shirt and Charles watches as I dress before getting himself some clothes. I admire his gorgeous body before it gets covered with clothes and walk back up to him, placing my hands on his chest, standing on my tiptoes, and pressing a chaste kiss to his perfect lips. He leans forward with his eyes shut as I pull away, chasing my lips, and I giggle before kissing him quickly again and going into our bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair.
"What are you going to do today, chérie?" He asks with a mouthful of toothpaste.
"I don't really know. I haven't got anything planned, and I haven't got any client appointments today," I replied, sitting on the counter, waiting for him to be done. As he fixes his hair, he turns to me and smiles lovingly
"Why don't you come with me to the paddock?," he questions "I haven't got much to do today, just some media stuff and then I'm all yours," he smiles wider as I nod enthusiastically. I always love going to the paddock with him. I sigh happily and look deeply into his eyes.
"I love you," I say
"I love you too,"

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