Boston's charming smile and Mina's flirtatious gestures. It made his stomach twist with a feeling of discomfort. His mind couldn't shake off the feeling that he was interrupting a moment meant for just the two of them.

Mina leaned closer and whispered something into Boston's ear, brushing her hand against his shoulder. His jaw clenched and his nails dug into the palm of his hand. He forced himself to bring a tight-lipped smile, struggling to hide his true emotions.

Suddenly all Nick wanted to do was go home. Seeing the two together made him feel something he didn't like feeling. Even though he knows Boston is gay, He just can shake off the feeling that something is wrong.

"So ton, It's been so long since we last talked.  How is your photography going?" Mina purred in a honey charmed voice. Nick could feel the bitterness rising in his throat, as he swallowed hard. It was so obvious that Mina's actual intentions where anything but innocent.

Was he paranoid? Is he imagining things? Or is there something else going on between the two of them that Nick doesn't even want to acknowledge?

Nick hates to say it, but it irritated him. It's so obvious she has a crush on him. Maybe that's what's so irritating to him. Maybe it's the fact that Boston never smiled at him that way.

The young man's chain of thoughts was interrupted by the Boston calling out his name. "Nick! Your food's here" Immediately the lightly caramelized and almost nutty smell of coffee hit his nostrils.

Boston handed him a plate of bread toast and his cup of latte. "Huh? Oh." Nick replied, taking a bite out of the toast. He was met with a satisfying crunch followed by a burst of warmth as the buttery surface yielded against his teeth.

"Hey ton. It's getting pretty late, I should really get going" said Nick, getting up from his seat. He really did not like being here, not even the slightest.

"Nick, are you okay?" Boston's voice broke through Nick's chain of thoughts and pulled him to reality. "Just tired" Nick plastered a fake smile on his face as he pushed the half empty plate away. "Alright I'll drop you off wait-"as Boston was about to get up from his chair, Nick stopped him. "No it's okay I can manage on my own, You have fun though! Text me when you get home!" Nick said, again mustering up a smile with whatever energy he has left.

Nick pushed his chair back to where it was, the scrape of metal against the floor echoed through the empty space between them. He picked up his half finished latte before bidding them goodbye.

As Nick headed out the front door, He couldn't help but steal one last glance at the two of them. Their laughter ringed as a bitter reminder in Nick's mind of what he could have had.

Boston watched as his figure exited out the door, hiding the urge to just chase after him. He could sense something was wrong, He just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Sir, your Americano" the waiter placed his order down on the table. "Ahh, thank you" Boston replied, giving a slight smile.

Quickly his attention was moved by the woman beside him. "Anyways.. ton I was saying-


The streets of New York stretched out before Nick, devoid of the usual hustle and bustle that defined the city. Not a soul stirred on the sidewalks, and the only movement came from the occasional flicker of a streetlamp casting long shadows on the pavement.

The air was heavy, and the distant honking of a car horn echoed through the empty streets.

Walking alone through the empty streets of New York with street lamps lighting up the pathway.

It was always something Nick could find comfort in. But this time it wasn't the same.

Usually it would always be, Boston walking him home. No matter the situation, Boston would always make sure he would get home safe. Now that he's not here, It left Nick in solitude. And not in a good way.

As Nick walked through the deserted streets, feel a pang of loneliness in his chest. The emptiness of the streets mirrored the feelings he felt. Each step he took, seemed to echo in silence.

It felt strange not having someone to exchange jokes with, hold hands with, make memories that Nick can look back to and smile.

He's missing Boston. He's missing him bad. It feels like a lingering ache in his heart, a subtle emptiness that reminds him of his absence.

He can feel a sort of longing, a yawning for his company as he lets himself walk on the pavement and pass buildings and cars.

Surely 'missing' would be an understatement. But what made him question more is if Boston would feel the same way about him?

Would he? Would he feel the same emptiness?

Would he feel the same ache in his heart?...


Let's welcome the entrance of Mina!!

Mina's character radiates of confidence and charm. She possesses a type of magnetic energy wherever she goes. Though despite her friendly facade, there's a tint of manipulation in her actions.

And I'm pretty sure that's all you need to know about her. Now how will her silly little crush lead to further complications in the growing relationship of the two?

I guess we'll just have to find out.

til you love me again | Boston x Nick (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now