"Who brought in Mrs. Cuddles here," He asked.

"I did. I brought her over in her trunk for a sweet prank," April replied.

"Hey, no hard feelings, okay?" Donnie asked.

"Let's be fwends forever." He imitates Mrs. Cuddles' voice.

"Okay as long as you keep that thing away from me," I snarled.

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

"You got this, Raph. Forget about her evil eyes and those floppy ears that are always taunting you." Raph shuddered.

Raph returns to finish making his sandwich. There is a squeaking noise and swish and Raph turns back to the now empty cabinet.

"Hey, where'd she go?" Raph asked.

Raph gasps because now his sandwich is missing too. He turns around and sees Mrs. Cuddles on a different counter with Raph's sandwich.

"I- I must have forgotten I put it there. Yeah, that's it." Raph said, nervously.

Suddenly, Mrs. Cuddles moves and holds a pickle in her fuzzy little paw.

"Who wants a pickle-wickle?" Mrs. Cuddles asked, menacingly.

"It's alive! AHHH! And getting bigger!" Raph shrieked in terror.

"Howdy-hi, big scweamer. Usually, I hear giggles all day, but what I love is scweams! They make me grow and grow and grow!" Mrs. Cuddles said, menacingly.

"You guys! Mrs. Cuddles is real!" Raph shouted while pointing at the puppet.

Leo, Mikey, Donnie and April peek from the kitchen doorway.

"Scaredy-pants say wha?" Leo teased.

"What?! Okay, fine, you were right! I am afraid of Mrs. Cuddles! But it turns out, she's really real!" Raph panicked.

"Okay, we get it. We took the joke too far." April said, regretful.

The ninjas suddenly heard my screams and hissing from the other side of the lair. They ran to the other side and saw me clinging onto the skateboard rail, shaking in fear.

"Sister, calm down. Mrs. Cuddles is just a rabbit puppet," Pixal said.

"Then how did it come here from the kitchen," I snarled and hissed.

"Lloyd, why is your wife scared of the rabbit puppet," Cole asked.

"One of you guys dared her to watch the chucky movie and it made her scared out of her wits," Lloyd replied.

"Oh, that makes sense," Kai said.

"Lloyd, press her cat tag. That way it can calm her down," Zane said.

Lloyd pressed the cat tag on my collar and suddenly transformed me back into a human.

"Do you feel better," Lloyd asked.

"Just a little," I replied.

In the gaming room, Leo and Mikey are playing table hockey while April watches.

"Whoo-hoo! Yeah!" Mikey cheered.

Raph lands on the table in a panic, and everyone shouts in surprise.

"I can't find Mrs. Cuddles!" Raph exclaimed.

"You lost the puppet? Oh, man, I am so fired. I'll check the kitchen." April said as she ran off.

"If you're gonna go, take a bat! Or the Turtle Tank. Hey! And don't scream!" Raph yelled.

April checks the Kitchen.

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