Chapter 3 : Unpleasant Meetings and Dragons

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"Out of all I've met during my journey," Morgana sighs, "It had to be you, who I'm meeting again?" She slapped her forehead, dumbfounded upon seeing the same reddish pink fox she met a week ago.

She had just gone down the spiraling floor of the City of Cant, having been thrown out of the tavern where she finally got to see one of the prophesied knights. And now after that disappointing chance slipped through her grasp, she meets the annoying animal who watched her roll down the hill.

Sin, who was getting bored as he hung out with Sylvan, had his mood turning sour. In front of him was the purple haired girl who called him uncute as he refused to disclose any information about his mission. Isn't it obvious that he had to keep it confidential? He cannot be careless as to let someone who could be a chaos knight know him.

"Master," Sylvan whispers, "I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

The fox growled, "That's because I don't." he faced Morgana. "It is also not a pleasure to see you here. Now, go and scram."

Morgana gave him a scowl, "You're the one who asked my name and then left me without telling yours."

"I am not obliged to tell you."

"It is common courtesy to tell your name to someone who introduced themselves. I, too, wasn't obliged to tell you my name but you threatened me."

Sylvan who was watching the whole drama unfold, gasped in shock. Misunderstanding the meaning of the girl's words. Did they meet before the group came to Sistana? It'd be something he'd only know of Sin again. Sylvan giggled from the side and continued to watch the two exchange words.

"Sin. Happy now?" he grumbled as he nestled into his favorite sleeping position.

Taken aback by his awfully easy reply. Morgana hummed, as she took a step closer to the fox. "So, what are you doing here little fox?" she asks, looking around and looking disturbed as her eyes landed on Sylvan's face. "Is this your horse?"

Annoyed by how she referred to him even after telling his name, Sin turned to her with a displeased look on his face. "No, stop asking questions."

"Your nonchalant act is getting pretty boring. It doesn't necessarily make you cool though." Morgana says as a matter of fact, drawing a chair on her book before casting a spell to bring it out.

Sin watched her intently as purple dust came out from the book and materialized into a small wooden chair. "You're a holy knight?" He mused, forgetting her earlier comment.

The latter shook her head, "If I was, then you wouldn't have seen me roll down a hill." Morgana glanced beside her seeing Sin go back to snuggling position when she began to ask. "I simply know a thing or two about magic."

The fox stared at her for another second before prompting to ask another question when-


A large egg came down from the sky and landed on the empty space before them. "Eep! What's this huge egg fallen from the sky?" Sylvan gawked.

"This look like an egg to 'ya?" Sin questioned, noticing the egg slowly disperse.

The horse gulped, "Yow, it vanished! A, a mirage?"

"Considering that it's huge, I'm guessing it's not a chicken's." Morgana stood up and slightly covered her eyes to get a better view of what's happening up there. "So, it's true then? Someone here tamed a dragon?"

"A dragon?" Sin asked, alarmed of the new information. It didn't take long before a loud roar resounded followed by the sound of smashing rocks and falling debris.

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