Chapter 4: Disassembled Nicole

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Nicole checked her phone to make sure she wasn't getting home late, still wearing her cat ears and earbuds as she briskly walked from her old home to the new one. Before she even made it to the entrance, Vinn was rushing to meet her.

"Vinn you don't have to greet me in a rush every time I come home. I'm not gonna fall off the elevator or run away."

"I have something for you and it needs a little bit of warning or a form of sugar coating. I don't know what that means entirely."

"Oh good grief, what else, is there a blood drinking ceremony or something?"

"No, it's not even close to a holiday. This is a good surprise, I'm sure of it, but I wanted to build the hype." He grinned excitedly. Here is a blindfold and I would prefer you hold my hand because some of the rails are missing from the recent project."

"You know I normally like creepy surprises and blindfolds but recently the surprises have been wildly hit and miss so is it okay if we speed this part up?" she asked impatiently."

"Just look." He said, sliding the blindfold off. Nicole was standing at the rail where the floating top floor reached out to one of the wall cutouts, this one had siding and a front door.

"Wow, what the hell did you do?" she said peering into the room, as if Willy Wonka himself had opened the doors to a land of wonder.

"I modified one of the rooms. It was going to be for storage originally but I decided to make you a safe space instead. I can store shit somewhere else. I can always make more rooms, we have a shitload of expired explosives left."

"We are definitely getting back to that point later and don't you dare take that away from me, but this is insane." She gasped, twirling like a proverbial Alice in a slightly more demonic wonderland of her design.

"I looked up some of your tattoos and built a custom room using the color scheme and some old movie posters. I had a few posters printed, some bands from your younger years. Your friend Dee was a great source of material, that hopefully makes it less stalker-ish and more magical." He said with relief.

"The explanation sort of defeats the magic part, but it does make it less stalker-ish. How did you get all of this in here so fast, I've been gone like 9 hours?"

"I still don't think you understand the level of technological advancement that this world has to offer, but mostly magic. I did have to rush order a custom human cube and disassemble it for the parts. I've been trying to understand human females, turns out I only needed to understand human Nicole. So I took a lot of inspiration and additions to the human cube and instead of a disassembled human cube, I made a disassembled Nicole cube. I also immediately regret how that sounded out loud and hope the mystical wonder of the room distracted you from hearing it." He puckered.

"Nope, heard it pretty clearly."


"No it's funny, and kinda morbidly cute. It's like you made a room out of me so I could hide inside myself for a while."

"Oh thank the gods you got the concept, we were missing a lot of those the last few days and It was concerning me. This took a LOT of work."

"Is that why the room is so short? Because you made it me size?"

"Well a safe place to hide inside yourself should be private, and Dee specifically said you liked Cedar flooring so I just built up enough cedar flooring to get the room height to 6 feet. You can be alone here any time you want because I literally cannot cram my furry ass through that doorway and I couldn't stand up in there if I did. I had to put the Skylight glass in from the outside or I might have trapped myself in there and that would have really ruined the magic. That skylight should help you feel less underground. It's the closest to the surface."

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