Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

Eliza's POV:

"What if they don't like me?" I whisper into Niall's ear right before we start to walk out for the interview. Alongside me is the snack table, which I keep picking at. Niall looks to me quickly.

"They may not like you... But they will LOVE you!" Niall says rather loudly. My cheeks turn bright read and I giggle nervously. "It doesn't matter if they don't like you. I do and I'm not going to let them take you from me. Now stop being silly and let's go!" Niall drags me the entrance the stage, he looks at me with a sweet smile, then to our hands, then back to me. Quickly he leans in and kisses me, when the cue comes breaking up apart. Wide smiles appear as we walk in and over to the white couches.

Here we go.


"It was very nice to meet you Eliza!" Says the interviewer. "There you have it folks! Secretly Featured is the new hot thing? Tell us what you think on twitter!" The screen pops up saying, 'Tweet what you think of @SFeatured!' I can't help but smile. Niall and I go backstage and he bids me goodbye.

"I hope to see you soon babe!" Niall shouts as he walks out the back door with Liam. My eyes must have been sparkling and I was zoning out because Miya can up and shoved me out of the chair to get my attention.

"Harry's giving Sophia and myself a ride home. You can go whenever you need to." I nod and she walks out, both on the sides of Sophia, holding her hand. It's pretty cute.

I sit on the couch alone for about 20 minutes until I realize I have to go. I stuff myself with ice cream and leave. Only 9 days until school. Great.


On our first day we walk in, seniors at last! I just wish we didn't have to abandon our prom this year.... I guess the world tour is fine.

I look at the hall and people stare at us the whole way to our lunch room. All of our newest songs are out and lots, I mean lots, have seen it already. A group of guys, the jocks, come up to our lunch table and hit on us. Miya and I look to each other at the same time and make gagging sounds the laugh hard. Then the so called, 'populars' come and try to sit by us. We stand up and walk away.

Everyday it's like this, just different ways. I'll admit it's cool they want to get to know us but its a little to late for that. We hang out with the people that were our friends BEFORE we became famous. Not after.


"I'm going to miss you all!" I cry to my old friends and then walk away knowing neither Miya or I can handle it much longer. We say goodbye to old teachers, especially our music teacher. She was one of my biggest inspirations. It's hard I'm not going to lie. We walk out by 3:00 and the crowded hallways seem darker, everything seems unrealistic. The boys wait at the office, hoods up, and we walk out to the car. Only four more stops.

We pull to my house and by then I'm an emotional wreck. My brothers, my sisters, my mom. All in tears. I grab my stuff and give them all a final goodbye. To Miya's and two more spot. Niall's, and to say goodbye to Miya's mom, my dad too.

Miya and Harry go into the house, then out with hers and Sophia's things and plop back in. We swapped people in cars. Liam, Zayn and Niall ride with me. Louis, Miya, Harry, and Sophie in Louis car.

Niall grabs my arm as we walk into his arm and gives me a huge kiss. "What was that for?"

"You looked nervous." We smile at each other and go grab his bags. His mom hugs him for a bit with tears in her eyes. Then his dad, tear soaked. Then Greg, who smiles with little tears in his eyes. Niall turns to me, signaling to give then a hug. Niall's mom hugs me tight.

"Thanks for making my little boy so happy." She whispers into my ear.

"Thanks for letting him be with me." I say in response and let go. I finish up the hug feat and head out the door.

We stop at the cemetery. Miya and I cry a little and say our goodbyes. This is a lot harder than I thought it'd be... I just wish I could not cry but without tears would be no emotion. And emotion is the base of life, of love, of happiness.

The plane is scaring the crap out of me! I've never been on a plane and I'm not sure I even want to now! But I must do what I must! I breath in deeply and grab Niall's hand, walking to the front area of the plane and taking my seat to the new life.

Off I go. Looking back to my childhood, nothing can replace the old memories, but we can always make new ones. With my other family. The ones I've come to love.


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