Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

Eliza's POV:

Astounded. Is that the word?... Yeah. That's definitely the word for what's taking place right now.

This is a big step for Miya. She spoke out and quite a bit. I'm so proud right now you can't even believe. But at the same time I'm very worried.

I don't think anyone has ever quit on Simon... Let alone five people.... Three of them being some of the biggest pop stars in the world..... He's upset. No he's way more than upset. He's sad. He's raged. He's broken.

I'd never thought I'd see Simon Cowell sad before. The closest I've seen him to that was when the boys became part of his crew but that was a happy kind of sad but this is more than that.... And now... Now I can't even imagine how he feels about them just quitting on him after three hard years.... It'd do more than make him sad. It'd crush him.

The room is completely silent as the five of us stand side by side, our backs facing the huge window letting in the sunny afternoon light. Simon stands his ground, fitting back tears that I know he can't hold much longer. I was right.... Tears stream down his face and the three boys surround Simon.

"We're sorry Uncle Simon..." Liam says with small tears in his eyes that are just visible by the gleam from the blaring sun. "It's just you can't pair us up. Especially if we don't want to date that person...." Liam turns to Miya. "No offense Miya. You're a great friend and I don't want to ruin that." They share sly smiles and Miya walks up to Simon. They leave me there standing unsure what to do. So I start thinking about Liam's offer to go on a date. I'm going to go out with him, just to see if I really do like him....

I stare down to the ground and see Liam's phone sitting there. Being me I pick it up and I see he has a text. Unintentionally I read the text. It's from Daniel.

Daniel: 'Hey Liam.... I've been thinking about you a lot and um... I miss you a lot.... Can we give it another shot?... I'm sorry I was the way I was.... It was all my fault and i never meant for things to be as bad as they were..... can we fall one more time? Stop the tape and rewind?....Please?!... Please just consider it.....' My eyes widen and tears blurred my vision.

Before I know it I set the phone on the table silently and sit in the corner of the room. Hidden from everyone else. Silently letting the tears file out of my red puffy eyes. Simon begins talking and I try blocking him out. There's no use I can't get rid of the sound.

"I'm so sorry guys.... You're free to date anyone you want.... I'm so sorry. Just please don't go. We need bands like you, and if you quit now so many hearts will be destroyed.... Just promise you'll stay?" They all smile and nod their heads and get into a huge group hug. "Now if you ever pull a stunt like that again you'll regret it for the rest of your lives." They all laugh and break from their group hug.

"Where's Eliza?" He has a tint of worry in his voice. He doesn't know me well enough to know I run off a lot. No matter where or when I just kind of wonder away. "She wandered off after we all gathered up.... Miya?"

"I have no clue...." Miya looks over to the phone on the table and sees Liam's phone I left open and reads the text. "Guys. This is bad!" She exclaims. "We have to find her!" With a click of Liam's home button she goes to main screen and then turns off the phone. "Simon, Liam you two look around the left side of the building. Harry and I will go the right. Niall look in here. There's a lot of spots she could be." With a slap of Miya's hands they are all off.

Niall's POV:

They all shuffle out of the room while I look around for Eliza... I look under tables, in cabinets, and finally under desks. Yet I don't find her. When I'm about to walk out of the room I hear sobbing coming from near Simons desk in the conference room. Slowly I walk up to find her rolled up in a ball on the floor.

I sit down next to her and rubbed her back. "Liza? (Pronounced 'lie-za') what's the matter?" Her blue eyes lock on mine after a few seconds.

"It's.... It's nothing...." She droops her head to the floor while her blonde hair shags in her face.

"It's obviously something. Please just tell me?" My eyes study her facial expression.

"Everything lately..... Do you ever have that feeling of being led on and then you figured out you were.... It can do so much to a person.... This is just not at all what I expected....." She lifts her head and moves closer to me. Soon enough we are so close its almost awkward. "I'm sorry I'm causing so much trouble Niall... It's just---"

I stop her words by moving close and kissing her.


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