Chapter sixteen

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Chapter 16:

Miya's POV:

I looked everywhere for Eliza.

Harry told me to go check back with Niall. I kind of argued with Harry that he should check with Niall. But, I then just started walking when I heard Liam coming down the hall. I still have his phone. I seem to take things from people and forget I even took it.

The only reason I think Eliza ran away is because of the text Liam got. It was from Danielle. His ex. Which if you did not know. Girls sometimes get ticked off when their crushes ex's text them. No clue why. Just how it is. Don't hate.

I walk through the door of the conference room finding Niall and Eliza kissing. Thats gross. Wait! Hold the phone! Kissing? Aww! #Nizaishappening !

"Oh...... Gosh guys! Get a room!" I yell running back into the hallway.

Laughing, Niall shouts back, "We did! You chose to walk in!"

"Whats happening? Simon asks going to open the door. I stop him when he is around 3 centimeters from touching the knob.

"Niza..... Niall and Eliza.... are... Eww... PDA there!" I say laughing in-between the words.

Simon smiles at this and yells for Harry and Liam down the hallway. Then opens the doors to find Niall and Eliza sitting in their chairs from earlier.

"Okay, so. Eliza, Niall? Do you have something to tell me?" Simon asks walking over to his chair. Sitting down in its comfy-ness.

Oh how I love those spiny chairs. I just hate how I get sick after I stand up. I wish that wouldn't happen at all. It would make a lot of things much funner.

"Miya!" Eliza screams in my face. I snap out of my thoughts with a shake of my head and pull my attention to her. She gets that look on her face that she always gets when she tries to think of what you are thinking about. It is a really funny look. But sometimes it scares the crap out of you when she really wants to know what it is, but it's not the right thing to think.

Laughing I say "Spiny Chair" before Niall bursts out laughing.

"You guys can leave. Miya and Eliza I will see you tomorrow for recording! Eliza and Niall can you stay after?" Simon says as everybody nods and leaves. Throwing Liam his phone, I say a quick good luck to Eliza and Niall before bolting out the door. It was 5 pm and I needed to be home at 4:30.

NIiall's POV:

"So what is up with you two?" Simon says sitting back down in his spiny chair.

"Well... I was talking and Niall. Yeah. I have no clue. Really." Eliza says looking down. I quickly grab her hand putting it in mine. She smiles a little while looking down at our hands that are intertwined.

"Well, I would say Eliza is my girlfriend now." I say with a smile on my face.

"Then my plan worked!" Simon cheered. "I knew you too would be the ones to date each other. The quite one and the loud one. The leader and the boy."

Wait. The leader? What does he mean by leader.

"Well Niall. You know how Miya is always quite right? Well, Eliza is the leader of the group. The one everybody will talk about. The one that will be in the public eye. The one that was going to date one of you boys anyway. But now I don't have to force you." Simon says proud of himself for coming up with his plan.

Eliza's head snaps up.

"You mean to tell me I will be the one everybody knows for sure out of the band?" Simon nods.

"Boy." I mutter under my breath. I was all referring to what Simon called me. 'The boy'.

I feel a light squeeze on my hand and look to see it was Eliza.

"You will go out in public on an interview that Secretly Featured will be in. That will also be the release of your new song and covers." Simon says as we all nod. "See you tomorrow Eliza! Have a nice night." He adds a wink before we walk out still hand in hand.

Before she gets into her car I stop her. "What are you doing tonight?"


"You maybe wan't to go out tonight?"

She pauses.


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