Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Eliza's POV:

I got the death stare from the whole table until I realized what they were getting at. We play a game, which the name I'll probably never memorize, and then Miya gets a call. No doubt that it's probably her brother Trenton. He's really strict.... Especially during school. Thank gosh it's summer.

Miya and I have been going around since spring started this year and finally, and within a few weeks of summer, we have met our idols, got signed, and kind of formed a crush.... Well I'm not sure on Miya but... I kind of like Niall. Well I like Liam too..... But I doubt either them would like this doofus of a girl....

"So.... What was the plan you two were talking about?" Asks Niall shyly while he stares at his feet.

"Oh... That... We kind of hang out like everyday but Friday nights, when we aren't very busy, we watch movies. Tonight we are going to watch, "House at the End of the Street." You guys are welcome, but I don't know if you like to listen to two girls blabber on...." Niall looks over to me and smiles.

"I would but I don't like scary movies...." Zayn says in a 'as a matter of fact' kind of voice.

"I'd like that." Says Niall then I hear a stomp sound and see Niall giving Liam the death stare. "I'd be glad to attend if my foot isn't broken....." Niall squints evil ish at Liam and then turns to me and smiles. Well that was just awkward... If it means what I think then I'm in trouble.

"I'll be there." Says Liam.

"Count me in! I love Jen!" Says Harry happily.

"El and I got a date..... Sorry guys....." Louis gets up quickly to find his phone beneath him then sits back down.

"I'll be right back guys, I need to use the bathroom." I get up leaving my guitar, shoulder-bag, and phone there.


Did he seriously just do that?! He knows I thought she was cute... But no he has to go! Well that's not going to stop me from coming too. "I'll be rig back guys, I need to use the bathroom." She walks back to the restroom and I grab her phone. Entering my number and writing here's down Niall snatches it and enters his. Next thing you know we all passed it around taking Miya and Eliza's number. By the time she comes out we had the numbers and made it look like we were being nonchalant and peaceful, when really Niall and I were in a stare down.

"Well I have to go. My mom needs me back now. See you guys later I guess. Just text me!.... Wait I need to give my number." She's digging through her purse but we get up and start heading out.

"We already have it sweetheart." Louis says sassily and we head out.

"Do you need a ride?" I asks quickly. She shakes her head and begins walking. "You sure?" I yell when she about 70 feet away.

"I have two feet! But thanks for the offer!" I'm left standing there like a doofus when the boys voices snap me out and pull me into the limo that waited there for us. Looking out the tinted window I get lost in my own thoughts for a moment.


'So your address is 1213?' Niall texts for the three of us quickly while I drive the car. BLEEP.

'Yup. Hurry over, Miya and I are going to start it in like 10 minutes.'

"She says we have 10 minutes until they start it.... We ever going--- nevermind..." We pull into the blue house that screams out, 'commotion' when you look in. Harry hops out along with myself and Niall. When we reach the door a young girl opens the door.

"Oh. My. Gosh! Eliza when you said 'they' were coming I didn't think you meant the boys of One Direction!" Screams the girl.

"I said it but you didn't believe me. Now scurry along. Grandma is coming soon Elena, get ready." Elena becomes smug and runs up the stairs in front of the entry. "Sorry about that.... That's my 15 year old sister Elena. She's a bit crazy, but I am to so.... Welcome to our home." We look around the house to see multiple family pictures, paintings, drawings, and more. "You guys hungry? We have tacos upstairs. Popcorn is made for the movie so..... Yeah just make yourself at home while I go grab soda." I tack a seat by the window in a comfy chair. Niall sits on the couch in the center, and Harry sits in the other chair next to me. The girls come running down and shut the door to the family room.

Eliza takes a seat by Niall and Miya sits right next to her. He knew she was going to sit there..... Just shake it off Liam. Just shake it off. You hardly know her! You need to stop being upset over this! Have you even considered the possible fact that she might have a boyfriend. The two girls probably do. I mean look at them. They are so cute! Talented too! Just calm down and try not to think about it.


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