Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

Niall's POV:

To: Eliza<3; 'Oh my gosh... Eliza... I think she said her mothers gone.' I text frantically and run back to my room.


From: Eliza<3; 'OH MY GOSH WHAT?! Call me, NOW!' I can tell by that text she's literally freaking out.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

i look to the screen. 'Eliza<3 would like to video chat.' So I press accept and let it load. "Hey babe. Sorry for the 3 am video chat but I need to know what's going on! Is Mi (pronounce My) still there?" She's frantic, which is not good. Quickly, I get up and rush to Hazza's room to find it vacant.

"She left to get Sophia I think...." I'm really confused on what's going on here, but whatever it is... It's not good....

Eliza's POV:

This can't be happening. Just can't be.... Her own mother! Gone! Nothing to say, she didn't even get a chance to say her goodbye. I can't even begin to imagine how she feels right now... But we can't let Sophia know yet. It'd break her little heart to know... "Niall... I have to go, I'll talk to you tomorrow babe...."

"Are you okay?" He asks looking at me with squinted eyes. "You're very pale."

"I'm fine it's just..." I pass out right there on the floor.

The last thing I hear is Niall's voice, "Hang on there! I'm coming!" And then everything goes dark...


"I think she's waking up Harry..." Says Niall. Equipment beeps in the small room of the hospital. Everything feels so stuffy and spiny. "Morning babe. How do you feel?"

"Horrible. What happened?" Rubbing my head I find bandage around it.

"We'll I called you and you found out what happened with her mother...." He takes a moment, "And then you blacked out and hit your head on one of the tables in the family room. Good thing I noticed otherwise its been an hour until Harry got there." I'm s light headed and confused its a miracle I'm still awake.

"Where Miya?" My curiosity is trying to drag me out of the bed but as soon as ,y feet touch the floor Niall and Harry make me sit back down.

"She's at home."

"Oh..." I know exactly what's happening.

Sophia's POV:

"Is mommy really gone?" I say with little tears in my eyes. Miya turns around to me with red eyes drenched in tears.

"I'm afraid so Sophie... Just you and me now..." Miya swoops me up and sits me in her lap.

"What about Trent and daddy?" I ask, why won't they be here?

"They are being switched to America Soph." Miya is sniffing and looks very sad, so I do what any sister would do, I lean in and hug her long.

"What about Eliza? Does she have them?"

"She has her sisters and brothers to take care of Soph... She's here for us but she can't always be... Don't worry about it... We'll make it by." What does she mean?

Eliza's POV:

"You're free to go Ms. Grean. Please try to be easy on yourself, try not to listen to things to loud or run to much, or sing to much. You already have a concussion nada few stitches. Keep it safe and have a great day!" Dr. Michealson walks out as Harry and Niall walk with me out of the huge building and to their car.

"We'll their go the recordings for a week."


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