Osean War

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<<Watson,enemy on your left>>

The battle in the suburb of Oured is still on.


As the tanks move further and further from the city center,return to their start point,their formation began to become thinner to fill up all the holes created while expanding the circle.With their Falkens guarding Oured and the ISEV,the tank brigade fights all depending on immediate ground firepower available,which is significantly weakened compared to what they are capable when still under the cover of the planes.

Seizing that opportunity,the ODF's infantry began to funnel into the street,trying to use the remaining anti-tank weapons to push the tanks away into where they could be struck by artillery power.

"Target hit!Enemy destroyed.Good job gentlemen"

But as soon as it started,the plan collapsed in a disaster for the ODF.Even without the air force,the Abramss,with the help of several ZSU-23's,had smashed into the defense line and was tearing them to pieces.Watson,inside the frontmost tank of the company,was being able to see how things had turned into their favor,as he participated in the combat.

<<Manticore 15 2 o'clock in your direction,M113>>

<<I got it,load HEAT,>>

Watson ordered his crew to reload the cannon,while himself searching for the enemy through the camera.Here is it,a M113 is approaching them and rapidly rains down wave after wave of ammo from its M2 Browning on top into his vehicle.Although the bullets can't penetrate the crew inside,the 12,7mm machine gun on top has been destroyed in the fire.

<<Ammunition's ready.Target at point blank range>>-the reloaded shouts out loud-<<Ready to fire>>


The barrel of the Abrams blasted with a thunderous explosion,releasing a single ammunition out.The shell flew into the air,burning and ionizing the air surrounding it and setting them on an orangish flame,before it made contact with the front of the IFV and detonated,releasing its real deadly payload through the steel armor and killing the crew inside the M113.

No need for a second check,the Abrams withdrawn and trying to regroup with its allies.

However,from the corner of his camera as the turret spins around,Watson detects a silhouette flying in the air,rather much slower than a plane.It's a helicopter,but he can't make sure whether it's belonging to them,or the enemies.The tank draws its gun closer to have a clear look.

The vehicle is approaching his allies,they haven't fired any round.But the suspicious of its identity has raised the crew's cautious.As they move closer to the helicopter,the crew deployed a smoke screen around the tank to cover its movement.

"No white stripe"-Watson's voice echoes throughout the tank-"Probably an enemy,load HE"

<<Manticore 15,AH-64 in sight,they are aiming at Manticore 18>>-A call from Murphy confirmed his guess-<<They haven't noticed it yet,and probably need your help>>

<<I see it,I just need to know if it's possible to shoot them down>>

<<I wouldn't have informed you if I think it's couldn't be shot down>>

Hearing that,the crew of Manticore 15 quickly got back to work.While the loader is working with the ammo,the gunner who's sitting side by side with Watson carefully readjusted his aiming at the Apache with the help of FCS.

By pure coincidence,the AH-64 moves into his range,with the ammo loaded into the gun.Seizing that opportunity when they haven't been detected,the Abrams raises its barrel.

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