Chapter 32 - KILL ME NOW

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Anastasia Creed

"I have so many questions." The guards brought Dean or Andreas out, and I turned to A.

"Ask away."

"Will he remember everything after you remove the bug?" I asked curiously because my heart was heavy, knowing that he didn't recognize me at all.

"He has puzzles of memories. That's why he was able to write your name. The bug that latched into his brain injected him with some drug that made him forget about his past identity. He has no idea that he's Andreas, let alone remember that he dropped you off." I closed my eyes and tried not to cry in this situation.

"How are you going to remove it?"

"Perhaps we can't tell you that because we have lots of ways that we're going to approach it. We need to see his condition, but one of them is to cut his head open." I closed my eyes again, imagining the process of him removing it. I was completely stressed and overwhelmed.

"About Asher..."

"He met Morganna a few times, and he's her slave, after all."

"But why? He's supposed to lead me to her so I can kill her for making Andreas like this." Tears gathered in my eyes, and A let out a low chuckle.

"I want to know too. From what I know, you're one of his weaknesses, or maybe his only weakness."

"Bullshit. He doesn't care about me, and he's just using me as his assassin."

"You indeed got a lot of people tailing over you when he knew that you're capable of protecting yourself."

"How did Asher find out that Andreas is my brother?" I asked curiously as I wiped my tears away.

"I think he already knew about it for a very long time. We don't get along, so he must have been looking into us and found out about Dean."

"Is it possible for me to spend time with him? It's been years since..." I choked on my words. I still can't process the fact that he's still alive and had no idea that I'm his sister.

"For now, I won't allow you to spend time with him. We will operate him next month, and everything will go well. We will make sure of that. He's a part of us, so we will do anything for him to get better."

"Can you help me kill Morganna?" I asked since Asher lied to me and didn't even bother to help me.


"Why not?!" I almost screamed at him, "She made my brother like this."

"We have rules that we have to obey. If Dean wants to kill Morganna, then he can kill her since he's the one who got ties with her. If your brother agrees to do so, then you can join him, but I can't kill her for you or Dean." I'm so fucking stressed right now.

"As much as I wanted to invite you to be one of us, you're tied to Asher, so we can't have you here for long. You need to deal with him first and cut the lifetime contract that you signed."

"Lifetime contract? What do you mean? I signed a deal that he would give me Morganna on a silver platter within a year, but he didn't bother to do so." I was pissed, but it made A laugh before giving his guard a nod.

"Anastasia!" I turned to see Asher being tied up as they brought him into the room. I glared at him and turned to A, who got up from his seat walking towards me.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, A!" Asher roared, and A stood beside me, sitting down on the edge of the table. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Take your filthy hand away from her!" I turned to Asher with fascination, and I decided to play the game. I got up and stood between his legs.

"Ana!" Asher warned.

"I hate liars, Asher." I slid my hands to A's shoulder and caressed his cheek with my thumb. My eyes were looking at him, but my head was busy trying to torture Asher as much as I could.

A put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer. I leaned my head closer to him, planning to kiss the guy, but someone wrapped a chain on my neck, pulling me away. I turned to see Asher looking at me angrily. He looked like he wanted to kill me.

All the guards pulled Asher away, and A laughed.

"I guess I found your only weakness, Serano." I tried to pull the chain off my neck, but Asher pulled it harder until I almost choked.

"I'm going to kill you." Asher focused on A, who grabbed a steak knife from my plate. He was looking at it before pointing it at Asher.

"This is why you don't mess with me, Serano. You and I both know that we can't cross each other boundaries, so this is what you get for messing in my territory." Asher let out a scoff as he pulled me closer to him. My back met his chest, and I could feel he was breathing heavily.

"I'm going to leave you two. I hope you can kill Asher for me, Ana. That way, you get to be a part of Ravens and see your brother daily." With that, A walked out of the room, leaving me with Asher, who was choking me harder with a chain.

"You fucking... bastard! You lied!" I elbowed him, but he didn't even budge. He wrapped his hand around my arm, digging his nails into mine as the other hand was used to keep the chain on my neck.

"You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie to you."

"You never told me that my brother is alive!"

"He's not your brother, he doesn't remember shit!"

"You met Morganna a few times throughout the years. You told me that you had zero knowledge where she was and—" He released the chain and pushed me away. I coughed so hard and turned to him.

"You trust A more than you trust me, huh?" He said it coldly as he walked towards me.

"One day, I'm going to kill you." I hissed.

"If you want to kill me, kill me now."

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