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All throughout his life, Naruto had grown used to dealing with getting himself into some pretty bad situations. All of his pranks back in his childhood had left him in a good amount of trouble with the hokage and the village. He had almost gotten killed multiple times over the length of his ninja career. And he had just gotten finished fighting a dragon god. So Naruto could safely say he had been in some pretty crappy situations.

But the situation he found himself in now topped all the other situations. Somehow, most likely due to his ungodly amount of crap luck, he had managed to tear a dimensional hole into heaven of all places. Even worse, he didn't appear in the lower levels of heaven. No, he appeared in the SIXTH level of heaven which was apparently where Michael and Gabriel, the Archangels of Heaven, slept. And it just so happened, once again most likely due to his crappy luck, Michael was present on this level and had been alerted by his arrival.

"I'm only going to repeat it one more time before I banish you from this plane of existence. Who are you, how did you get here and why are you here?" Michael stated as he levelled his sword at Naruto's back. The angel's usually handsome face twisted into a harsh visage as he stared at the teen in front of him. His twelve white wings reached out behind him. The man's halo was glowing a bright yellow as if to signify the man's agitation.

"What the hell did you get us into now, Kurama?" Naruto mentally screamed at his partner as the point of Michael's blade poked against the back of his clothing. On the outside, the blonde had managed to keep a somewhat calm look on his face but on the inside, he was mentally cursing every entity in existence, including his partner.

"I told you what risks we were taking when we originally came up with this idea. Don't get all pissy with me just because Lady Luck doesn't like you.." The tailed beast almost sounded like he was chuckling at the boy's misfortune, adding more fuel to Naruto's agitation. The blonde could sense that the angel's patience was quickly running thin and he had to say something quick or else he wouldn't be making it back to earth.

"I got here on accident, I swear! I was just walking ar-" Naruto released a loud yelp as he had to quickly duck under Michael's sword.

"Do not lie to me, you heathen. I will not accept such sin from anyone in this sacred place." Michael said as his halo began to glow brighter. The angel looked as if he was about to smite the boy with his angelic powers, causing Naruto to panic even more.

"Okay, okay! I'm just a simple candy shop own-" Naruto was forced to dodge around a large ball of light that was shot from Michael's palm. The ball of light was quickly followed by a massive spear of light that almost pierced Naruto's torso.

'"Fine! I was fighting a dragon god and I ended up here after the fight by accident! Stop trying to kill me. I thought angels were supposed to be nice." Naruto yelled out as the archangel looked to be preparing another attack. Michael paused in his charging of the attack, seemingly contemplating his fellow blonde's explanation. This point was further proven when the angel let the build up of light disperse from his hands.

"You finally speak the truth. I hope your experience here will teach you that lying will only lead to your downfall." Naruto almost did a double take at the angel's now gentle tone. It was so different from the angry voice the man had used not even a second ago that it was hard for Naruto to believe it had come from the same person.

"I'm sorry for lying. I've had some bad experiences when it comes to being too truthful with people." Naruto mumbled out as he stared at the strongest angel in Heaven. The man offered a brief nod before clapping his hands together. Suddenly with a bright burst of light, a book appeared in front of the angel. The book was an extravagant piece of work. Every inch of its cover was bound in gold. Strange markings and symbols, too complex for even Naruto, a seal master, to understand, were carved into the book. A bright light shone from the confines of the book, forcing Naruto to look away from it. Michael seemed to be able to look at the book with no problem at all as casually flipped through the tome.

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