Chapter 39

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"I need you to do something for me Jade."


"Since you're not married to Ethan go visit your mother in India indefinitely."

"I have no intention of doing that even if you blackmail me with that tape."

"I have no intention of using the tape to blackmail you, Jade. I need you out of my wife's life for good."

"Now this I understand. I won't take less than a million dollars."

"You see that guy over there in the red jacket Jade he's from immigration. Your visa has been revoked and you have been ban from ever entering the USA ever again. Your shady dealings haven't gone unnoticed by them."

"If I'm going down I'll take Ethan with me."

"Even if you do, he's a US citizen and you are not legally man and wife."

"Who are you really Ashton because I have met some sleazy and powerful people in my time. Heads of mafias even and they have nothing on you."

He checks his watch and coughs and the man in the red jacket joins him at their table. He leaves and walks out the restaurant with his bodyguards following him.

In the car Jade looks at the man in the red jacket who was handcuffed to her, "This is a very big misunderstanding. I didn't do anything wrong."

The man says nothin and Jade continues talking, "Wait is this for real. Are you telling me this isn't some elaborate prank to get me out of April's life."

The man dials a number and puts the phone to Jade's ear, "Hello Jade."

She freezes at the voice. It was Mindy.

Ashton eats a second slice of pizza and smile at his wife. "This pizza is really good."

"Are you thinking of buying the pizzeria to go along with that restaurant you recently bought?" Ask April.

"I'm not sure I want to buy it. I just wanted to treat my wife to lunch you've been so busy sorting out your new company."

"I've couple buildings to see before I figure out where my company is based. I'm going to hire a few experienced biochemistry and some other scientists. They can give me insight into the buildings when I go to view them."

"That sounds like a very good plan. Don't judge me but I'm having a third slice of pizza, it's that good."

Three months later,

"Hi Kimberly."

"April, you should've said you were going to meet me after class."

"It was a spur of the moment decision. Have you heard from Ethan?"

"Yes, he's got a job in Florida and he's working on himself. Every since he got news of his wife's passing. He's been trying to better himself. How she ended up in Pakistan and how she was killed he never said. He did ask that we don't look for him."

"If I didn't see you today would you have told me that Kimberly?"

"He doesn't see you as family even now. So whether I told you not to look for him or not is irrelevant."

"It's nice to see you Kimberly and I'm glad you're studying to be a doctor. Why you felt the need to lie about being a candy stripper I'll never know."

"I guess money and power can accomplish a lot. I lied big deal and you found out."

"You miss the point you lied which begs the question what else did you lie about that day?"

"You were never really hers but mum always loved you so much more. April the perfect daughter. April the perfect sister and now April the perfect wife. Mum has already told me she found a place to buy on the upper east side. I guess you live in that area too. It must be nice having a black credit card with no limit and a daughter who buys you I'm guessing a house for a million pounds."

"I came to say goodbye to you Kimberly because I didn't want to do it over the phone. I owe you that much. Good luck with your studies and don't nag mum for money. She won't give it to you."

"You came into our lives and fracture our family. My mother isn't talking to me because she knew what I said at the graveside was a lie. It's not my fault I can't say something positive about you to her."

"You're a grown woman Kimberly at some point you have to see yourself for who you're. I'm not better than you Kim. I'm a woman whose father wanted her dead and a stranger was kind enough to save her. Dad would've been proud you're following in his footsteps. Right now my priority is my family and unfortunately you're not part of it."

She leaves her sister open mouthed and is driven to her mother's apartment on the upper west side. "Hi mom."

"Hello April, how's your day been so far?"

"Good and bad, I just said goodbye to Kimberly and she said Ethan doesn't want us looking for him."

"Really she never told me that."

"It's true mum."

"I believe you sweetheart it must have been hard saying goodbye to her."

"Not really she said goodbye to me a longtime ago and I was too blind to see it."

Her mother hugs her," I'm sorry."

"It's okay she gets to live the life she always wanted now and she has a million pounds to live off as well. If you still want her in your life mum I'll understand."

"April your brother put you in literal danger and your sister can't say anything good to me about you. Sometimes I lie and say I have something to do so our phone conversation ends."

"Is that why you told her you were looking for a place on the upper east side even though you moved to New York two months ago."


"I'm sorry I'm the cause of you being estranged from your kids mum."

"April they're not my kids all three of you are my kids always remember that."

"Are you and the housekeeper getting on mum?"

"Yes. She has gotten me into the habit of taking afternoon tea. She has some great stories from her time in the British Army."

"That's good and don't forget you can't go outside without your security okay."

"I won't forget."

April kicks off her shoes and turns her head side to side she feels a hand on her shoulders. Ashton massages her shoulders, "You're very tense."

"I said goodbye to Kimberly today then I saw mum in her expensive house. Surrounded by ultra secret bodyguards and a housekeeper who was in the SAS."

"You have made it so your siblings can't get to her and you bought her building so you have full control of it. You are protecting yourself from hurt in case she like them betrays you in the end."

"Yes, I'm. You see I have something very important I need to protect it's why I was finally able to let go of Kimberly."

"Other than yourself what else can you be protecting?" Ask Ashton.

"Sit and close your eyes for me."

He does and she places something in his hand.

"You can open your eyes now.

He does and sees a positive pregnancy test in her hand. He lifts her up and gives her a passionate kiss. He stands back from her and gives her his hand to shake. Bemused she takes it.

"Happy meets ecstatic."

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