Chapter 27

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"When my grandfather died, I ran away to New York for a week and drank myself into a stupor. I met your brother in a bar and he was speaking very loudly about his rich relative. He had money and he was flashing the cash around to prove his point. I remember saying to him, "Is that all you're going to do with your life. Live off of a rich relative and he said you're right. I should ask for more money. I remember asking him what he did for a living and him telling me he doesn't work."

"They returned the money to me Ashton."

"Either he kept some of it or he took out a loan because the clothes he was wearing were very expensive. He was in New York and didn't even think to look you up."

April goes through her account and look up the money she sent her family years ago. Her mother and sister sent back all the money. Her brother didn't. "You're right he kept some of the money. He kept a million dollars."

Ashton takes her iPad from her, "You gave them each five million pounds."

"I had all this money that I didn't really want so I figured I should give them loads of it."

"It's commendable your sister and mother sent it back to you."

"My mother kept the credit card which I'm not upset about."

"Has she started using it yet?"

April checks the card statement, "No, not yet."

"Something isn't right and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Micah."

"I know now. I should be upset he was in New York many times and knew where I live yet didn't come and visit me."

"But you're not."

"No, I'm not. My focus is on helping my husband's out at work so he can get home in time to have dinner with me."

He leans into her so their heads were touching. "I have a wife whose nagging me. I like it."

She elbows him, "Nagging, nagging." He tickles her and she falls unto him, "Thank you for being here for me."

"I can say the same to you my dear wife."

The next day Ashton brings April a coffee, "Thank you but the smell is making me gag. I'll ask Jade to make me a hot chocolate instead."

He smiles at her while wondering if she was pregnant and if it was too soon for smells to make her gag. She takes off her jacket and standup giving him the full view of her body in her cobalt blue A-line dress. He didn't see any difference in her body shape maybe it was too soon for that.

Later he puts a strand of hair behind her ears, "It's lunch time. Do you want to go anywhere special?"

"Not really let's eat in the staff restaurant they're serving lasagna and garlic bread today."

"We will eat here then. By the way have you sent the thank you notes to our wedding guest yet?"

"Yes I did. That reminds me Sarah and Marco have invited us for dinner next week. It's one of the reasons I called you at work yesterday.

"That's nice. What day is the dinner?"


"We should be able to make it I don't have any plans."

"Neither do I, I'm really looking forward to it. Our first-time meeting friends as a married couple."

"It's our coming out so to speak. Have you gotten use to people calling you Lady Adams yet?"

"Yes, but I still get butterflies when I hear it."

"Well Lady Adams let's go to lunch," he takes her hand in his and they walk to the staff restaurant together.

They place their orders and take a seat near the wall, "I can't believe the food is free here,"says Ashton." " But I get why it is these people do important work. They are scientists working here who can literally change the world. You are making sure you feed them so burnout doesn't happen."

"There wasn't a staff restaurant when I got the company. There was a Starbucks here instead. Once I knew what field I was going to focus on as the owner. I remembered how easy it is for scientists and researchers to forget to eat."

"You're a good boss April.

"Well technically and legally you're the boss now Ashton."

"I need to find a proper deputy."

"I used to think of Jade as my deputy."

"Seeing that patents are a big chunk of our company's revenue. I think getting another patent lawyer would be good as well."

"I agree, I just can't work out what qualifications I want your deputy to have.

You studied medicine for five years then economics for four years. You understand what we do here."

He shrugs, "That's true."

"I want someone who is a science nerd and a business savvy at the same time."

"I'm sure we will find someone like that would you mind a Brit?" Ask Ashton.

"I don't care as long as they're trustworthy."

"Great I'll keep looking for a candidate as I'm sure you will as well."

Their food comes and they eat their lunch then go for a walk together.

"I can get use to this, us working together like this April."

"Until you find a second, I'm sticking to you like glue."

"You better."

"April, April wait."

April lets go of Ashton's hand at the sound of her former best friend's voice. "I know you heard me April. My husband lost his job. Did you have something to do with that?"

"I work in a different sector to him Mindy how could I possibly have something to do with him being jobless."

"You know we have kids April. How can you be so cruel?"

"You need to stop harassing my wife, Mindy."

"I've never met you so how do you know I'm Mindy? Wait you have the same kind of accent as Brad's boss and he's English too."

"I really don't care," Ashton looks at the bodyguards as if to say do your job. They stand between the Adams and Mindy.

"Look April I was a very good friend to you and I'm sure you can find a job for Brad in your company."

Ashton takes April's hand and they start walking back towards their office. "If you don't leave right now, I'm going to call the police," he tells Mindy.

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