Chapter 4

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"Something's are not for me to tell you. It's for Ashton to reveal himself in time."

April ponders Cassie's words, they make small talk until the pilot announce they had arrive in London.

When they arrive in Suffolk April admires the lush countryside all around her. "It looks so peaceful here and the air smells so fresh."

Cassie chuckles, "Everyone says that."

"I don't know why but I'm suddenly nervous."

"Heavens what for?"

"I'm meeting new people."

"You're thinking about the situation wrongly. You're meeting your new family for the first time."

"I don't know if your children will like me?"

"As long as you and Ashton get on it doesn't matter. Plus we are a friendly bunch here in Menden."

"Did you not want to move away from here like the rest of your family. I mean even your siblings moved to London and other places in the end?"

"No, this town became my shelter when I was going through a tough time. My mother and I fought like cats and dogs when I first got here. But her husband allowed me to see I was more than I thought I was."

"You must miss them a great deal?"

"I do but I still have my three children, grandchildren and hopefully I will see a great grand child before I died."

Cassie swallows nervously and fiddles with her dress.

"I've made you uncomfortable haven't I?" Ask Cassie.

"Just a little bit."

"Thank you for your honesty."

The car pulls up to a stately home and April sees a butler waiting for them. She steps out of the car and look around her at the outside of the vast estate. She felt like she was in Downtown Abbey, "I can see why you're reluctant to leave this place, it is breathtaking."

"It really is and please take a deep breath everything is going to be okay."

"I'm a big girl I can handle it."

Cassie smiles sadly at her, "That doesn't mean you don't still hurt my dear."

April look at her in awe, "Thank you."

Cassie take her hand and they walk into the vast house hand in hand. Cassie leads them into a large stately room where three people were sitting.

April sees a woman in her 20's with blonde hair and blues eyes watching her every movement. Then she sees a young man in his early 20's who looked like Cassie. They shared the same brown hair and eyes. Sitting next to him was Ashton who was looking at something on his phone.

"April this is Micah, Elizabeth and my eldest grandson Ashton."

They all give her a frosty look but despite that April gives them a big smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"We only found out you were coming today the internet has such unbelievable stories about you."

"Elizabeth is it," says April. "I'm sure if I went on there or ask around about you I would think the same about you."

April doesn't miss the sly grin Ashton gives her. "April is my guest for the next week so please treat her with respect."

"Don't worry grandmother we will but I'm curious about why she's here."

"Micah is it?" Ask April.

"If there's something to tell I'll make sure you're the first to know."

Micah sniggers and stands and shakes her hand, "It's nice to meet you April."

When the introductions were over a butler brings in tea. Ashton holds a tong with a sugar cube on it towards April. "Do you take sugar in your tea?"

For the rest of my life if we get married this will be my first conversation with him she thinks to herself . "Yes one lump is fine thank you."

Ashton drops the sugar cube in her tea and April stirs the tea before putting it to her lips. Ashton watches her for a moment then drinks his own cup of tea.

Cassie watches their interaction over her cup of tea. "Ashton do you have any plans for today?" She ask her grandson.

"I did but since we have a guest I would like to get to know her better."

"You mean get in her pants brother." April almost choke on her tea at Elizabeth's words.

"At least he's sober today," says Micah.

April looks at Cassidy in panic was Ashton an alcoholic?

When it was just April, Cassie, and Ashton in the room she turns to him. "Let me be very clear. If I decide to marry you I won't be putting up with your alcoholism. I'm not one of those women who knows if I love him enough he will change. I'm a woman who won't stand by and allow herself to think. I'm only good enough for a drunk."

"First of all April what marriage are you talking about? Second of all I'm not an alcoholic nor do I have a drinking problem. Yes I drink every now and then but doesn't everyone?"

"This is what you weren't telling me Cassie. He doesn't know about your plan."

"What plan is she talking about grandma?" Ask Ashton.

Cassie suddenly looks uncomfortable, "April has a company than needs a CEO and I figured since you're both going through something. You can help each other out by getting married."

"I love you grandma but you should've discussed this with me before bringing her here."

"A wife and a company will give you something to focus on Ashton. Your grief will consume you if you let it. April is directionless and lonely. Help each other heal who knows something good may come of this."

"Oh I get it now grandmother." Ashton stands and stretch out his his hand to April. "Broken meet grief."

April couldn't believe what she was hearing. She runs out the room then realise she didn't know the layout of the house. "The bathroom is just here miss," at the butler's words April make her way to the bathroom.

She was happy to see there was no tears he didn't deserve any from her. A part of her wanted to walk out the house and never return but something made her stay. Pain, the way Ashton said broken meet grief was heart wrenching. He was clever enough to know she was broken and so was he.

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