Part 12: End

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"I, Beedde Vareey Stumout, leave this, my last video. I miscalculated one thing in all of this, the human heart. Since I had no need for such a thing, I didn't think about it at all. In my last vision, I saw the outcome of that mistake, but by the time I saw this enlightenment, it no longer mattered, but I had already given the instruction of my children's elixir to Huvlei. It evaporates most irrational thoughts and emotions as well as an extra side effect. Use it well Kyoshi Ampher Stumout, Kyouko Charte Stumout, Ahnoue Keesey Stumout, and Momoki Staith Stumout."


Vaudee had said that Beedde had wanted to finish their fight like planned so long ago, that he would be waiting at the school. That some rooms had been changed to house instruments of torture and slaughter not unlike what Rukard and his grandfather had set up, not unlike the Risclins' very same death rooms.

Minven had woken up and joined them through most of what they talked about, she had decided to go with Rukard.

The Risclins said that if Rukard was going to go, that they were withdrawing their support, they felt that nothing good would come of the entire world if he enacted the final revenge.

"We decided as a couple, that we will do it. I have to, it's all my life can be until I do it, and since Min can't enact her revenge on anyone else, this is how it has to be." Rukard said.


Ten minutes in, the weakest among the flock began to feel the effects of the poison twenty minutes in, the weakest died and the fairly healthy began to feel it. Thirty minutes and fairly healthy died while the strongest began to feel it. Every five minutes some would die and before the hour and the last of the remaining strongest died, Rukard and Minven came charging in, finding Beedde perched on top of a carefully arranged pile of bodies as if it were a throne.

"Finally! Stirvia, Chaus, would you like to sit for tea, or would you just like to get to it?"

"Why should I believe you not to give us the poison you gave the dead here?" Rukard asked.

"I've been honest about my goal from the beginning, you were to die by your own hands. I wouldn't trust me when it comes to Miss Chaus though, if killing her to get you to die by your own hands will do it, then I would, even so, I have seen in my last revelation that it's never going to happen the way I want it to, so you can both trust me when I say there will be no poison in our tea."

"I believe you now when you say no poison, but what about knock out drugs, or something highly addictive?"

"I see you're not going to trust me and fair. I did personally kill your father, I have no further objections to moving this along."

Beedde led them to a particularly gory room. All of the devices in the room could be more death machines than torture.

"I'm partial with this one. Lots of pain, blood, gore."

"Intestinal crank. You would like that. I'm kinda partial to it myself." Rukard smiled.

"Good taste. Anyway, now that's decided, how about the pre execution torture. I like how unpredictable the thumbscrews are, and even you can turn them easily." Beedde said to Minven.

Minven looked disgusted by the thought.

"Not a fan or is it your humanity holding you back? You see? This is why I wanted to give you guys the spiked tea. It would have softened those boundaries. I've already taken my dose and still have enough for you two. It's flavorless and the effects are so subtle that aside from major apathy, you probably won't notice the difference once my insides are all over that thingy that looks like a roasting spit. And if you're worried about certain feelings... Love is too strong of feeling for this stuff to block out and when I say love, I mean in all its forms."

Rukard looked like he was definitely tempted, "What does it all do?"

"I knew you were smart. All of the weaker emotions like guilt, despair, embarrassment, distress, gone. Happiness, love, anger, calmness, stays, you don't age, you don't die, unless a boulder crashes down on you or someone comes along and stabs you in a vital spot. You'll never hunger or thirst. You don't even need to breathe. What do you say?"

"I say you're insane, but count me in."

"Always have been. Minven?"

"I don't know... What other benefits are there?"

"Childbirth, probably still pretty painful and risky, but no more mood swings, no more messy monthly and it's likely this child and any future child will reap the benefits of the elixir too."

"For the sake of my children, I'll do it."

Beedde handed them both a small vial each before either could change their minds. Rukard gulped his down quickly, while Minven hesitated, but drank.

Beedde seemed excited when each took the elixir and even sat down and strapped his hand into the thumbscrew, making sure all five were in their proper presses.

"I can already feel the pressure of the vices, this is going to be the worst but let's do it! Now that I've committed, I haven't got all day."

Minven sat across from Beedde, readying her resolve to do what she needed to do. She pictured Straum, she pictured Strigo, most of all she pictured Glimon and Auftou and she turned the handle hard.

Beedde screamed and smiled through his tears "That's right, more! Break these fingers that stabbed my parents, break these fingers that strangled my Huvlei. Break me!"

She continued on until his nails snapped in two and he passed out from the pain.

"That's all I'm going to do to him. Each of the four fingers represents the people who wronged me, and the thumb is for all the trouble he's caused you. You can have him now." Minven cried probably the last tears of sadness she ever would as she was already beginning to feel emotionally numb, and an interesting awareness of other feelings not easy to understand before.

When Beedde came to, he almost arched up into the blade in Rukard's hand.

"Don't be so eager! I know you can't wait to experience death, but if I don't get this right, we'll be covered in your shit."

"Ooh yeah, that wouldn't be too good for my bleeding fingers."

Soon Rukard cut through the skin and muscle to find and cut through the intestine.

"Oh the tearing hurts so much!" Beedde started breathing hard.

He watched as his insides twined around the crank more and more. What seemed like a long time passed and the ripples of pain lessened all Beedde could do was watch in disconnected wonder as he faded away.


As the weeks passed, arrests were made , cult members were put in prison, children were given to new families and wars were waged. For a good ten years, the violence and bloodshed were overwhelming, but soon, more and more emotionless people of limitless beauty and youth began to take over positions of power, and reestablished the old chaotic, yet effective government that was when Beedde had taken over. In fact it came as no surprise to anyone that his children were running it.

What did surprise Rukard and Minven was that they named Rukard as a dead or alive bounty, and as they turned, their daughters went for knives.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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