Part 11: Three More Graves

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"It's cute that Stirvia thinks he has a choice. He will kill himself." Beedde laughed.

"I'm up next and I think it's safe to say that he's not going to try to draw out the deaths like he did with Strigo and some of the others." Vaudee grinned, "I'm going out. I don't want to try to wait until he makes a move, with the despair he must be feeling, he probably won't make a move."


It had been a few days since the failed showdown at the school. Garikk and Herxia had planted a bomb as a distraction once they had seen everyone enter. When it went off, he, his sister, and the remaining detectives who stayed on standby went in. No one made any arrests, concerned more about getting Rukard, Minven, Fabena and Fousta out.

Garikk kept Minven under sedation because she had tried to harm herself after what she'd been through. Rukard wasn't in much better shape, opting to just stay mute, barely eating, drinking and taking care of himself. Morale was at its lowest.


"Uh, am I the only one who thinks this game has gone too far? The brethren are the powers that be now, so if Kiein's champion goes down absolute chaos will erupt. It'll be the end of the world we created as we know it." Zulkris said.

"Relax, Zully. They can't get to us here, so when it's all over, we just start again. Sure, the humans weren't native to Kentenia, but we can just create a new race. Maybe something a little less destructive than humans." Ahngao assured the young goddess.

"But I've really grown to love them, I love them all." Zulkris said, "Even the Stumouts, the evil bastards."

"Earth is almost always in crisis, maybe a new fleet will come and inhabit Kentenia again." Dhavian smiled.

"We'll still make a new people so we won't have to wait so long for the next game." Ahngao said.


From his bedroom window inside the clinic, Rukard could see the chainsaw maniac walking to the front door. He didn't see any weapon on them and was immediately interested.

He quietly moved into the part of the house where the practice was. Rukard was pretty sure he hadn't been seen by anyone, he looked in at Minven who was sleeping, but it didn't seem like she was actively being kept asleep today, hopefully she'd calmed down from what she went through.

He actively listened to what was being said. When reaching the front desk, they spoke the phrase, stunning Rukard, Herxia, and Garikk.

They quickly moved them to the consultation room.

"You didn't message us, how did you get that phrase?" Garikk asked.

"We're in every policing agency in Kentenia, you really think we couldn't intercept messages between you and our targets? That's beside the point, get me to one of your 'slaughter rooms' and get Stirvia."


Huvlei stirred the test elixir she had made for Beedde further, the mixture had been successfully demonstrated to do what it was meant to do when she tested it on living cells. She always knew she was interested in the medical field ever since she discovered Rukard's allergy, such a strange body reaction. She became fascinated with the hives, fascinated with the throat cutting off its own air, had even discovered that kink of hers.


Garikk had taken them to one of the rooms set for taking clients' revenges, and Vaudee sat in an operation chair, not unlike something you could find in a dental office.

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