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With a heavy heart and tired soul, Jungkook accepted his fate. His eyes grew heavy, consciousness slipping away as he descended into darkness.

Suddenly, someone jumped into the sea and quickly swam towards Jungkook. With determined strokes, he  reached him and pulled him to safety on the  cargo port.

He gently laid Jungkook on the ground and began patting his cheeks, " Jungkook-ah , Jungkook-ah ,hey wake up ! See it's me your Minho hyung, Kook wake up!" He called out his name in an attempt to rouse him from unconsciousness. However, Jungkook remained unresponsive.

Minho sighed heavily as he lifted Jungkook into his arms, swiftly untying the ropes binding him. Carefully, he laid Jungkook back on the ground and continued his efforts to wake him up, refusing to give up until he regained consciousness.

He swiftly pulled out his phone and dialed the emergency number.

"Hello sir How can I assist you?"

" It's urgent! I need an ambulance right away. He's in critical condition."

"Okay, sir. Can you please provide your location and the nature of the emergency?"

"We're at Port of Incheon. He was found unconscious by the shore. It looks like he's been in the water for some time."

"Help is on the way, sir. Please stay with him and keep him warm until the ambulance arrives."

"Thank you! Please, hurry!"

Minho ended the call his tears rolled down his cheeks, as he continued  his attempts to wake Jungkook.

He Pressed on his chest, causing some water to come out of Jungkook's mouth, but he remained unconscious.

Feeling overwhelmed, he checked Jungkook's pulse and heartbeat, both alarmingly weak. Desperation surged through him as he held Jungkook's nose for giving CPR, he delivering rescue breaths and pressing on his chest, willing him to wake up.

Through choked sobs, Minho  begged Jungkook to open his eyes. "Please, Jungkook, wake up," He pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "It's hyung's fault. I should have known something was wrong earlier."

He cried placing his head on Jungkook's chest. Suddenly the sound of ambulance sirens pierced through the air. He lifted his tear-stained face, spotting the paramedics rushing towards them with a stretcher.

"Please, you have to help him. Don't let him die." He begged.

The paramedics reassured him, their voices calm yet determined. "We'll do everything we can. Stay calm."

With gentle efficiency, they lifted Jungkook onto the stretcher and secured him in place. An oxygen mask was placed over Jungkook's face, providing much-needed air. With careful precision, they wheeled him into the ambulance, Minho followed the paramedics into the ambulance. Taking a seat beside Jungkook, he held onto his hand tightly, unwilling to let go.

The paramedics close the doors behind them and drive towards the hospital.

In the waiting area, Minho sat anxiously, his heart pounding with worry. He rested his head on his hands.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally emerged from Jungkook's room. Minho rushed over, desperation evident in his eyes. His voice trembling slightly as he asked, "Doctor, how is  he ? Is he going to be okay?"

The doctor's expression was serious as he met Minho's gaze. "He  has been through quite an ordeal," he began. "He ingested a significant amount of seawater, which caused complications in his lungs. However, we've managed to clear them, and he's stable for now. But he may experience some breathing difficulties, especially in the coming days."

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