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"May I know her name?"

"Valance. It was the only thing left to her." I explain. "I've always wanted a baby girl. But, I've only been blessed with boys so far." She explains with a hint of pain in her eyes. "I'm sorry, but I'm sure your boys are very happy." I try to comfort her. She nods. "I hope so. I do try my hardest." She comments. She hands Valance back to me just as a man walks over to us.

"Luna, how nice to see you." He says friendly. I nod. I've given up on the correction of my name. Everyone seems to only call me by my title. "We should be heading off now, nice talking with you." She says. "Same to you." I reply. Her mate calls over two little boys that were playing with Wilder.

"Charlie, Max, time to head home." He says. They leave, hand in hand. I hope for the woman to find happiness with her boys. I watch the pups play when there is commotion with one of the couples and Carlisle. I stand up, hand Maryline Valance, and go over to see what the problem is. 

"Excuse me, is there something wrong?" I ask the couple. The woman snaps her head to me. "Yes, there is. This little mutt hurt our Julian!" She says as she holds onto Carlisle roughly. I hide my true feelings with a smile. "Please let him go. I'm sure we can handle this without violence." I say. She does so, but does not stop the disgusted looks at him.

"Who are you anyway? His father?" The man asks. "No. I am his caretaker." I say. "Are you both new to this pack?" I question. I gently guide Carlisle behind me. "Yes, we just arrived yesterday." The man replies. "I see. Welcome to our pack. Please know, we do not take violence, of any kind, toward our pups lightly." I say sternly.

"What? Like your going to do anything? He kicked my child and he gets away with it!?" The mother rants. I feel my eye twitch. I turn to Carlisle. "Did you do that to him?" I ask. He nods. "I didn't mean to, we were just playing on the slide." He hangs his head. "Did you apologize?" I ask. "Yes, he said it was okay." He mumbles. So it was just the parents. Seems so.

I turn back to the couple. "I can do anything I please. I am the next Luna of this pack. Carlisle already apologized, and, Julian, was it? Said he forgave him. So I see no further problems here." I speak with my head high. Let them have it! "Or is there?" The couple looks affronted. They grab their child and start walking away. "Not at all. We apologize." The father says. They take off in the other direction.

I shake my head at them. Stupid people. I agree on those terms. I turn to Carlisle and tell him to go play. He seemed surprised, like he expected to be punished. That will change, due time. I walk back over to Maryline and take the two year old boy off her hands. "Onyx, lets go play in the sandbox." I tell him. I lead him to said sandbox and let him dig around in it.

We sit and play for about another hour before everyone's ready to leave. I carry Onyx back while Wilder stays glued to my side, Carlisle not far from him. We guide all the pups back to the shelter and everyone gets cleaned up. Before I am able to leave, I am stopped by Wilder and Carlisle. "Luna? Thank you for helping me earlier." Carlisle bows. "Carlisle. Do not bow to me. And my name is Nex." I say with a smile. 

He stands up straight and smiles back. Wilder hugs my leg tightly. "Please don't go, Mr. Nex!" He says sadly. I feel the ache in my heart pang once again. Do you think...maybe he'd let us adopt them? I knew I wasn't the only one. We can talk to him, tonight maybe. Yeah, maybe.

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