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The doors open and right before me I see my baby brother.


I can't bring myself to respond as I feel tears roll down my face. I rush to him and hug him tightly.

"I-I thought you were..."

I know what he's saying without him finishing. I did too. I feel his tears wet my shirt as he holds onto me for dear life. I continue hugging him before pulling away and looking at him. 

He looks to have no scarring that is visible. That's good.

He reaches up and rubs my scarred eye. 

"What have they done to you...?"

"I'm fine, it doesn't even hurt."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but introductions seem to be in order."

A tall man, looking to be almost as tall as Dom speaks. His eyes a prominent blue, his hair dark blond, his skin tan and dark. The Alpha most likely.

"I am Domonic, future Alpha of Lucin Pack. My mate, and future Luna, is Nex."

I nod to the man. He holds his gaze on my eyes for a moment longer. I shake it off.

"I am Maurice, Alpha of AshFire. My Beta, Leon, and his mate, Bae."

The Beta, Leon, is a tall man as well, the same height as Maurice, his skin the darkest shade of anyone present, his eyes green and his hair tied back, the color of ash itself. He has a long scar running along his neck and down below his shirt.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Bae has told me a lot."

I smile at him. "Like what?"

"Well, you have always been the one to step in front of him and take a hit. The one that would hold him until he fell into sleep. The one closest to being his parent."

I am taken aback by his words. I look to Bae. He smiles and nods. I smile back.

"Thank you. For taking care of him and keeping him safe, mate or not." I look to Leon. He bows his head slightly. 

A hand presses onto my shoulder, I feel light sparks. I turn slightly and look up at Dom. He is glaring at someone. I furrow my brows and follow his gaze. Maurice is staring daggers at him. What is it now?

Bae steps in front of me and by the way anger was radiating off him, he did not seem happy. Leon keeps his eyes on Bae but spares glances at Maurice. 

"Maurice, eyes and scent to yourself." Bae says.

"It's Alpha to you, shrimp."

Leon growls lowly.

"You dare growl at me, Leon? Who is in charge here?"

"You are attempting to court my mates brother who is already mated to another Alpha. You are in the wrong."

Once an Alpha has laid claim to someone, it is an unspoken rule to back off, or things could go bad quick. I hold my stomach, a small bump already forming.

Dom wraps an arm around my waist and places a hand on Bae's shoulder. Bae glances back and glances to me, holding my stomach. His eyes widen and he smiles from ear to ear. He looks at me as if to clarify and I nod. 

"Please go to your mate." Dom says.

Bae looks at him before nodding and walking over to Leon. Bae stands a little behind him while grabbing his arm. Leon looks approvingly at him.

Maurice continues to glare at everyone in the room. "All of you leave. Get off my land."

He turns away and walks out a separate door. He slams it behind him.

My AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora