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[Annie, Regulus, Hermione and Ron are walking along a path with Hagrid, talking.]

Hagrid: Nonsense! Why would Snape put a curse on Annie's broom?

"I'd also like to know" James frowns.

Annie's eyebrows furrow: I'm not convinced it was him anymore. But you saw what happened, someone had too, and they had knowledge to pull it off, so not likely a young kid. 

"That's very intelligent miss Potter" Ms Bones compliments.

Ron ignoring her comment: Who knows? Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?

Regulus scowls at Ron's dismissal of Toni.

"Blimey, sorry Annie" Ron offers a sheepish smile.

Regulus: What about an older Slytherin?Their team was playing dirty

Hagrid: [turns to them, suspiciously] Who told you about Fluffy?

Ron: Fluffy?

Hermione: That thing has a name?

"Thing?!" Luna stands up angrily. Shocking the room.

"HE! He's a Cerberus and his name is Fluffy's. He was only doing what was asked of him." Bucky was shocked at Luna's outburst. The corners of his mouth twitched up at her expression. She looked like an angry kitten. Adorable.

Her attention shifts to him when his metal arm grabs the hand closest to it, "Take a deep breath there ladybug, remember this was a long time ago."

She huffs but complies grumpily, "I should send a Mifflerdove over there, teach her a right proper lesson."

"Doll, as interesting as that sounds and as much as i'd like to witness that fiasco, I have no idea what that would mean. So maybe we hold off for now, reconsider later."

Lunas eyes sparkle at him and her giddy enthusiasm has him mesmerized, "You've never heard of a Mifflerdove? They are just wonderful! I must introduce you to Roni later." Her smile is blinding and Bucky knows he's a goner.

She taps her chin as she examines him not fazed at the strange looks she receives, "We will need to get you a glove though. Wouldn't want you to loose anymore fingers!" She giggles excitedly, her anger long forgotten.

He looks wide eyed at the comment, nodding slowly albeit reluctantly,"Rightttt.. a glove. To keep all my fingers. Are you sure I should meet this.. Roni was it??" Luna nods quickly, already planning it.

Hagrid: Well, of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the...

Annie: Yes?

Hagrid: Shouldn't have said that. No more questions! Don't ask any more questions. That's top secret, that is.

Hermione: But, Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape trying to steal it.

Hagrid: Codswallop. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher.

Hermione: Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one. I've read all about them. You've got to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking.

Annie: Maybe he was doing a different spell. Why would he jinx my broom?

A warm feeling fills Serverus's chest at Annie's defense of him even well before they got along.

Hagrid: [Sighs] Now, you listen to me, all three of yeh. Yer meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel.

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