Seattle Day 3.

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Pinnacle Theater.

"Hey." Ellie walked up to Jesse by the couch.

It's almost time for their move to the aquarium.

"How's your sleep?"

"Not bad. Give Joel a few more moments. I'll wake him up after." Jesse nodded.

Ellie noticed the uneasiness in Jesse's expression. He's her best friend, of course she could tell something is bothering him.

"What's wrong?"

A short silence.

"After today, after we find Tommy and (Y/N), we're going back to Jackson. Right?"

Jesse's question does have slight doubts in it.

Ellie and Joel are here to eliminate the WLF. Sure with Tommy and (Y/N) on the loose, finding them is a must. But still, the biggest elephant would be Ellie and (Y/N)'s immunity being targeted.

"Well, me and Joel ar--"

"Dina's pregnant."

A long silence between the two.

Now Ellie could finally understand the hesitation in Jesse's body language.


Over a month ago, Jackson.

"Where'er you going?"

Jesse was like a deer caught in headlights. He's packed, ready to sneak out Jackson. With the destination being Seattle, to find his friends.


"Maria said patrol's are off to everyone. No one is to leave Jackson."

"I know... But I can't just stay here and do nothing while Ellie and the others are out there." Turning to face her, with heavy heart that he has to go, even if that means leaving Jackson vulnerable.

"I can't believe how stupid you guys are. Joel, Ellie, (Y/N)...."

"Dina, they're my friends." He tried to protest.

"Ellie's my friend too."

"So you see my poin-"

"I'm pregnant."

A long, awkward, silence.

"Wow... You moved fast...."

"It was you dumbass!" Now this is not a surprise.

They've broken up sometimes before Christmas. Jesse thought she had already found someone new.

"I'm scared Jesse. Please..." Tears filled her eyes, pleading, hopefully he'll change his mind. "Stay..."

A beat.

Dina took a step forward.

Second beat.

"I'm sorry Dina. I didn't mean for this."

"I don't blame you. We're both responsible for this." Another step.

"I promise. After I bring them home, I won't hide from you anymore." And with that, he ran away like a puppy. Leaving the devastated Dina in the middle of the street.

In the end, Jesse got caught by Chad at the stables.

Cuffed to a steel pipe inside the warehouse where they used as prison, nobody expected Jesse of all people to be held there. It's usually place for Raiders and Hunters who got caught.

"You're a lot dumber than I thought." A voice from someone who's approaching him.


Judging from the look, Tommy was in his hunting gear. And in one of his hand, is Jesse pack.

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