Seattle Day 2(Four).

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Seattle, inner city.

"Down boy!"

As per ordered, the dog stopped its assault and stepped away from its victim.

(Y/N) just got mauled by a trained military dog, and things isn't looking good for the traveler.

His consciousness are slowly fading as he closed his tired eyes, under the brutalized state of his body.

"Can't believe we got a Scar this close to us. The hell's the other doing?" One of the Wolves speaks in frustration.

"We got trouble left and right. First Scars, infected, and now a lot of our units got handled by trespassers." Giving his honest answer, the other one crouched down, checking on the unconscious (Y/N).

"What is it?"

"Strange. Never seen a one-sided Scar before." He's examining (Y/N)'s face, running his finger through the space across his left cheek.

"Maybe he's a tresspasser who ran into some Scars. Take him back. I'm sure Isaac would want a word with him."

And just like that, (Y/N) got carried by the wolves back to their secondary base, know as FOB.



Joel and Ellie made it through the Seraphites park, and arrived within a building close to the hospital where Nora is supposedly at.

Opening the door, Joel and Ellie quickly took cover, not wanting to draw any attention from the Wolves. And the numbers sure ain't in their favor.

At least a dozen outside the hospital, chatting, loading supplies onto the truck, ready to be shipped.

"How are we doing this?" Ellie whisper, awaiting Joel's plan.

"Well we are here for Nora. But eliminating the WLF is also the reason why we're here in the first place, and the-"

"Get to the fucking point." Ellie's pissed. But who can blame her.

"Let's just kill them while we're at it."



The loaded their weapons, and went ballistic on the Wolves.






It was a one-sided massacre for Ellie and Joel, as they kill their way through the Wolves before entering the hospital.

"Now where were we?"

Finding entrances, and eventually through the air vent that they reached the target.


"Don't fucking with me Nora. Where's Abby?"

Below the air vent, Nora was kind of being questioned by her fellow Wolves about Abby.


"For the last time, I don't know. Okay? I don't have time for this." Nora walks away from the two.

"This is bullshit man. I'm not covering for her again."

"We just have to tell Isaac about it."

After they left, Joel and Ellie exit the air vent, and walk in the same direction that Nora did.

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