Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!

Start from the beginning

The doctor snarls at the discovery as Laki continues. "And there's more." said Laki, walking back to his partner. "Now Smeargle."

"Smeargle." said Smeargle, jumping over to the couch and grabs the doctor's bag.

"Thank you. When it comes to assistants, you're the top of the list." said Laki.

"Smeargle." said Smeargle, pulling out an identical Sableye doll from the doctor's bag.

"Doctor, you prepared this Sableye doll, so you could swap it out with this one in secret at a later time because...." said Laki, revealing the hiding spot of the Princess Tear. "The Princess Tear was kept hidden in this Sableye doll right under our noses here in this room."

The doctor sighs as he sits back down after being found out. "I found it as I promised you, Mrs. Makani." said Laki, handing over the Sableye doll to her.

"I'm grateful." she replied, taking the Sableye doll from the detective. "The jewel may have been rescued, but it won't bring my husband back!"

"Everything was going according to plan." said the doctor as Mrs. Makani sobs. "Oh!"

"You thought you could deceive everyone, but you can't deceive Alolan truth and Laki, ace detective!" said Laki. "Yes, I've never met a case I couldn't solve! Alolan Detective Laki. Count on me!"


"He's so cool!" said Rotom and Kukui.

"Such logical crime-solving with a bold approach!" said Rotom. "Alolan Detective Laki is the best!" He then turns around to face the siblings.

"Hey, A...." said Rotom, seeing them on the couch, fast asleep. "They're fast asleep."

"Huh?" said Kukui, seeing the brother, sister and their Pokémon were asleep on the couch. "Oh, come on, you two. Wake up. If you both doze off sitting up, you're going to be really sore tomorrow!"

Waking up with their eyes half opened, Ash and Hayley yawned and grunted as they went up to the loft. Ash hits the couch as Hayley stretches out on the floor, both falling asleep very quickly.

"Ash, Hayley? Do you both want to know who the culprit was?" asked Rotom, floating around both siblings. "If you really want to know, I'd be glad to tell you."

"I don't want to know, Rotom." grumbled Hayley.

"" added Meeko.

"I'm tired. Can you tell me tomorrow?" asked Ash. "Rotom? You know you're still wearing that wig, right?

"No. There." said Rotom, finally taking it off. "Ash, Hayley, the culprit was...." Rotom couldn't finish his sentence as Ash was snoring and Hayley cuddled up to Meeko. "Asleep again?"

Rotom looked up at the window and started to practice his Laki imitation on his reflection. "The is you!" he said to his reflection. "Let me try again. It is you. It is you. It is you!"

"Komala." yawned Komala as it rings the Pokémon school bell.

"It's gone! It's gone! It's gone! Where? Why?" said Ash, rummaging through his backpack before going through Hayley's.

"Hey!" Hayley exclaimed, trying to grab her backpack from her brother. "You could've just asked to look in there."

"It's not here!" said Ash, tossing Hayley's backpack behind him, causing her to go after it as he looks underneath his desk. "It's not here either!"

"Pika?" asked Pikachu.

"Ruff." barked Rockruff.

"Cario." said Meeko.

A Ketchum's Journey Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now