Chapter 25: Round Two

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The lights of the stadium were far too bright, and the chanting of the crowd made his stomach churn. Goh was not a battle-oriented trainer. He could see the fun of it, but it wasn't his passion. Catching and raising was more fulfilling to him.

Hence the reason as to why he was so uncomfortable in his current situation.

"Please welcome to the Arena competitors, Goh of Vermillion City, and Hemlock of Petalburg!"

Goh swallowed and walked to his place on the battlefield. Hesitantly, he looked up at his opponent expecting to see a hard-core professional battler. Only to see a very laid back man in a tourist shirt and very large straw hat. Well, okay. Hemlock wasn't comforting, but for some reason Goh stomach stopped churning at the sight of him. The blue-eyed trainer knew he was going to lose but he wasn't sure if losing to Hemlock was going to be less or more embarrassing.

"This is an official Pokémon league battle. The terms are three Pokémon per trainer. Substitutions are allowed. A Pokémon will be deemed unfit to battle on account of fainting. No lethal measures are allowed. Trainers select your first Pokémon."

The rotom-drone called out.

"Alright! Cacturne you're up!" Hemlock called out in a voice that was far more commanding than his appearance should allow.

Goh swallowed, and looked down at Raboot, "You want to go first?"

She nodded.

Goh furrowed his brows in determination, "Right let's do this."

Raboot ran onto the Battlefield and the crowd roared with excitement.

"Sandstorm!" Hemlock ordered with a strictness that once more Goh wasn't expecting.

The arena was suddenly flooded with sand. The wind whipped and whirled wildly. Goh flinched at the bite of bitter grains hitting his face. He shielded himself with his arms, but still the visibility of the battlefield had been lowered greatly. Goh could barely tell where Raboot was. That Cacturne must have the ability of sand veil. This storm was stronger than normal sandstorm attacks.

Goh opened his mouth...only get sand in it.

"Spikes!" Hemlock called out before Goh had the chance to counter.

Thankfully Raboot didn't need to be told to dodge the one coming flying at her head. Unfortunately, with how thick the storm was, it had been near impossible to see where the spikes actually landed. Clever, Goh thought. Like this it was practically rigging a trap right underneath even one of Raboot's steps since there was no way to see the spikes until it was too late.

What would Ash do?


Goh met Raboot's eyes on the battlefield. He needed to say something! Anything! Currently they were a boat on a raging sea with no captain taking charge. With little to no ideas in his brain, and a near limp with nerves tongue...

Goh said, "Use ember?"

Taking her trainer's word-even if it was unsure-Raboot complied. The fire from the attack was shot blindly into the storm. The Cacturne only dodged the shots that got to close. Goh was grasping for straws as to what to do next, when something caught his eye. Little glints in the rush of the storm. The light of the fire caught on the spikes. He could see them.

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