Chapter 1: Open Thy Eyes The World Needs You

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" day we will see each other again..."

He let a tear slip from his eye. The sensation of the droplet rolling down what was left of his cheek felt distant, faded. Everything he felt was there yet dulled, as if a fever had numbed his body. He could barely feel his own breaths anymore. He shut his eyes, and tried to smile. He truly was dying.

"I hope so, my friend."

With that last line, it was over. The thread connecting him to this world, the sensations of the flesh, the act of living, snapped. The earthly chains bent and broke. Whatever soul he had left was sent free, floating on its way to infinity.

Images of the life he had lived flashed before his being. The early years of frolicking in the fields and forest of his parent's land, playing with a young girl of long dark hair and grey eyes, and his first discovery of Aura, were shown in dulled images. The later ones were more vibrant, the days of his early knighthood, the travels he took, the beautiful queen he served, and the Pokémon who stood beside him. He watched them all, each treasured memory. All the way until those final steps into mew's chamber, and then it all faded away.

What did he see then? What did it look like? It couldn't be seen, at least in the way a normal eye could, but it was beautiful. More beautiful than anything. Not even through Aura had he'd seen something this enchanting. There were no words to describe the bewitching vision that death was. But the feeling, that was something he could understand.

There was no fear, no pain, no sorrow, no war here. Only an overwhelming wave of peace, warmth and comfort. Innocent peace and comfort, as if he was once again a newborn babe cradled in the arms of his mother. It felt safe. How long had he'd been here again? A few moments? A few centuries? He couldn't tell anymore.

"I'm sorry, but for the sake of the future, we can't let you rest any longer."

A voice? Who was it? He couldn't tell who it was, recognition didn't come to him. He barely understood what they were saying. Suddenly it felt like the single remaining tether attached to what was ever left of his mortal body tightened and began to pull harshly. Everything rushed past him, but he couldn't see anything beyond this world. It pulled him faster and faster, if wind was something that happened here it would be blasting in his face. Until he was brought to a sudden halt.

And then it all went black.

The warmth was still there. Gentle and comforting. Had he finally arrived? Was this the life beyond the flesh? Was that just the passage between the worlds? His being still felt numb, but vague sensations of something pressing against all sides were there; as if he was encased in something. Sounds were muffled, but there; they almost sounded like voices. Until there was a clear sharp screech, like a frozen lake's surface splitting, that was soon followed rumbling crackle. Then something shattered around him, and the seal was released.

The warmth was quickly vanquished by a chilling draft, like his being was drenched frozen water. It stung; he realized as sensation began to slowly return. Another shattering, and he fell to what could have been a floor. It hurt; waves of tingling pain flowed over his being. He choked down a gasp, making what felt like lungs burn. He choked, coughed, gagged, and dry heaved, struggling to pull air into his body.

He tried to move, but all of the limps he could feel were aching, stinging and burning. Like thousands of flaming needles were boring into him. What was happening? Death couldn't be this painful. Death was supposed to be peace, an end to all pain. This was agony.

"Mew, mew," a voice spoke.

"Just give him a moment," another echoed.

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