Start from the beginning

The thrill of our escape from the diner has all but evaporated from my head, replaced by a cold dose of reality. My initial anger simmers down into a deep concern. We're in this together and if there isn't enough money, things could become very difficult very quickly.

David pulls out his wallet and hands it over to me.

"You want me to...?"

"Yes, Lewis. No more secrets." Dave nods, a grimace twisting his features.

I scan the contents and take a deep sigh of relief. "There's around five hundred dollars here. We should be good, but barely."

"Gas will cost us around two hundred, that much I calculated."

"And if we can find some budget-friendly motel options..." I add with a smile. "Enough to get by till Wednesday."

"Good to know we won't run out in the middle of nowhere."

We pass the flashy vacancy sign saying Day Inn, 10 miles and Dave straightens up in his seat.

"Hey," he says softly, reaching out to touch my hand briefly before retracting it. "Why don't we pull over for a bit? This weather is crazy, and it's getting late. How about we call it a night? We could sleep at this motel, and continue tomorrow morning. But only if you want to," he adds hastily.

A sigh escapes my lips. The tension in my stomach is replaced by a weary acceptance. "Yeah, maybe that's a good idea."

The clock on the dashboard is blinking midnight blue as we pull into the Day Inn parking lot. The rain eases slightly – a temporary truce in the downpour.

A warm bed and a chance to regroup definitely offer a moment of calm before the storm within us, and the one outside hopefully fully subsides. 

I guess it's best not to dwell on anything behind us and think of everything that is ahead of us, as is ever so on the road.

The neon vacancy sign casts a soft, reddish glow on the weathered exterior of the two stories high motel and the damp pavement. Dave parks the car in a distinctive horseshoe shaped driveway. The engine ticks as it cools down.

He turns to me, a tired smile etched on his face. "Ready to crash for the night, runaway?"

I offer an identical tired smile in return. "More than you know."

Taking a deep breath, I unbuckle my seatbelt, the tension from the car ride still lingering in my muscles. We gather our meager belongings and walk towards the office, the rhythmic hum of the neon sign a constant companion. 

The worn green carpet muffles our footsteps as we approach the counter —behind it sits a young couple, both black, their faces radiating a warmth that defies the damp chill outside.

The woman leans back in her chair, a magazine in her lap and a smile crinkling the corners of her eyes.

"Welcome to the Day Inn!" she booms, her voice carrying a joyful lilt. A broad-shouldered man with a gentle smile straightens up from fiddling with a coffee pot behind the counter.

My cheeks flush as her gaze flickers between Dave and me, a knowing glint in her eyes. "You two checking in for the night?"

David opens his mouth to speak but then he nods at me, letting me take the reins this time. I am grateful for it.

"Yes, thank you. One room, please." It's all we can afford.

"Ah, a romantic getaway, huh?" The woman winks at me, and I manage a weak smile.

"It's not a roman–"

"We have a lovely single room available," the man chimes in, reaching under the counter for the key. "Fresh towels, TV, and all the coffee you can drink in the morning, for thirty bucks. Breakfast is extra."

Love, Dad | ONC 2024 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now