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The next practice was on the Friday. Ugh. I did not want to run today. Even of I was paid I still didn't want to run. When Mrs. Kelly walked into the locker room, I asked her if I could take it easy today. She just responded saying "It's bothering you that bad? Just try if you can. You can do it." What does that mean? I didn't really care Lexi said we could take it easy today. Mrs. Kelly told us to run five miles. I ran with Sabrina and Lexi. About three miles later I couldn't go any further I HAD to stop. But I didn't want to slow down the other two. After about a half mile later Sabrina called out to me.
"Rie, do you need a break?"
"Yeah that would be great!"
"Tell us when you are ready."
"All I need is five minutes."
When we started running again the break didn't even do anything. My leg still hurt. Another mile later we were near the high school. I asked how long we have to go. We had only about 400 meters left so we ran up a hill that leads to the school and called it a day.
In the locker room it was just me Sabrina, Lexi, and Mrs. Kelly.
"Reilly did you have to take any breaks?"
"Yeah only one, we walked for only 5 minutes."
"Ok and it still hurts?"
"Yeah it's pretty sore right now" it was more than sore. It was painful. This is not just bad shin splints. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY LEG? When I got home I could not believe how bad my leg hurt.
We we to the sporting goods store and we looked for calf sleeves. When we were walking in my mom was saying that she looked up some things on the internet and said that I might have a stress fracture.
"What's a stress fracture?"
"I'm really not sure."
"I think I'm going to try one more meet and see how it feels."
The store didn't have any calf sleeves. So we just we went home.
That night I just stared at my ceiling thinking what if I can never do cross country again? Ugh I didn't want to think about that. But I did and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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