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He was right. The mashed strawberry gelatin was excellent.

I expected to be nervous dining with him, but I found the event to be pleasant enough. Simmering frustration boiled within me at the thought of him killing Chris, but I held my tongue. There was no way I could ever get to him, to convince him not to do it.

At least not for me.

As I ate, I plotted and pondered, enjoying the resonance of a copper gramophone playing nearby. I did not know what the song was, but it was instrumental with piano and violin—sweet, romantic, and lilting. Every so often, Ozzol would hum to himself happily, helping himself to the various dishes on the table. Twice Minnie came to switch out our wines.

"Now that you are hopefully quite full and satisfied, I can wager you'd love to retire to a bath and a good rest." Ozzol leaned in, his vibrant red eyes glittering with mischief. This can't be good. "Before that, however, I want to know... more about you."

Holy hell, he was sinister. Having him looking at me with such dedicated attention made my stomach tingle and my face warm. My pulse picked up. It seemed even the fabric of my humanity recognized his nearness as danger.

But something must have been broken in me, because I leaned forward instead of shifting back. "You sure that is a good idea?"

"Why not?" He asked innocently, tidying up his space and stacking his empty dishes. "This is just harmless fun, little hummingbird. Is it not? I can promise you my usual ways of providing entertainment are a lot more gruesome than this." He tossed back the last of his wine and gave me an amused look. "I know little about humans. Never cared. I know you need to be fed, to be warm, and have a place to shit and piss. That is about all."

"Preferably not all in once place," I nervously said, rearranging my weight in my seat. "I have a feeling anything I tell you will be used against me."

He laughed. "You wouldn't be wrong. Always so astute, aren't you? We can start with the small details, the harmless details." He paused, only to paint his next tone teasing. "Or, you can tell me your ex-lover's name and location. Which would be easier?"

I spluttered, wishing I had drank more wine. It was strong wine, but I didn't have enough to get me buzzed. I ended up helping myself to the cold pitcher of water on my right often. 

I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. "I am not telling you anything about him."

"No matter. I will find out soon enough, anyway." He sighed, shifting his seat in my direction. My knee almost touched his. With a gentle movement that left me reeling, he tucked a wiry curl behind my ear with his claw. "Once I am no longer bound to your uncle's business, I would be free to go as I please. For however long I please. Surely, you must understand my hatred for that man. Have you ever felt trapped, little hummingbird?"

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