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If I had a time machine, I'd go back twenty minutes and never walk through the doors of Tales Untold alone. I mean, what the hell was I even thinking? 

The Shadow was right. I had no charms, no help, nothing.

With the door locked behind me, the ominous black mist crept closer, sending shivers down my spine. A scream built in my belly, turning ferocious, ready to claw its way out of my throat with frantic talons. Darby, please notice I'm not with you. Please come save me!

The mist condensed, folding into itself, molding into recognizable limbs. Large limbs. My scream got lodged in my throat. My body was no longer listening to me—no longer obeying the command to run, to shout, to do something other than stare, wide-eyed, at the person taking form.

The bright red eyes stayed as vibrant as ever, like two jewels glowing hot with glugs of magma. This time, they were much higher up. 

Long, rippling waves of black hair fell around broad shoulders. A muscled chest, appearing to be carved from onyx, was partly visible under a loosely flowing button-up silk shirt. My brain hardly registered my gasp—he was huge

Easily over seven feet tall.

His facial features were sharp—deadly, perfect, and regal. He wore a ton of jewelry. He practically glittered under the low light of the chandeliers—bracelets, rings, and small gold chains hanging from his pointed ears. 

His attire spoke of wealth, sin, and... lust. He was mouthwatering and I hated it. Hated how something so bad could look so inviting. It was fucking wrong. 

"Like what you see?"

I opened my mouth to lie but quickly closed it. He was pretty. Sinfully pretty, and no doubt dangerous, and he knew it. There was no need for me to lie; he could see it on my face. 

My stupid, stupid face. 

A half-smile played around the edges of his full lips. A tail whipped side to side behind him, and my heart sped up. A tail. 

My situation just went from bad to terrible. I need to get out of here.

His eyes flashed and an elegant eyebrow hiked skyward. "Don't do it, Kayde."

I sounded breathless. "Don't do what?"

But I already knew what he was talking about. 

"Don't run." 

Like I was going to listen to him.

I bolted.



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