Chapter 4

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Jordan is currently doing her makeup. Her and Mahogany are going to go to Elijah's restaurant for lunch.

His restaurant was more high scale, so of course she dressed to impress without over doing it.

Jordan finished her makeup and got a text from mahogany saying she was on the way to the restaurant. So Jordan left her house.

When they met at the restaurant, they got seated and began looking at the menu.

"So I suppose that lunch is on you", said Mahogany as she looked at the menu.

"Yea", said Jordan with a smile. "Tyquez sent me some money this morning so I got a little extra."

"So he sent you money?", asked Mahogany. "You must of put it down on him good last night."

"What?", asked Jordan with a confused face.

"Girl please. I know y'all still got something going on", said Mahogany. "Marcus told me you spend the night sometimes."

Jordan shook her head. "That boy got a big ass mouth", said Jordan.

Elijah walks over.

"I see you brought somebody with you to enjoy the experience", said Elijah.

"I did. My sister. This is Mahogany, Mahogany this is Elijah", said Jordan.

Mahogany smiles. "And who is Elijah supposed to be to you?", asked Mahogany.

"My friend", said Jordan. "We met at Kenneth's wedding reception. Eli, listen don't let this girl question you to death. Come back when we're done eating so I can give you the final verdict."

"I just came over to recommend the customer favorites", said Elijah.

"Well, I was thinking I'd freestyle it. If your restaurant is as good as you and others say, I feel like everything should be good", said Jordan.

Elijah smiles. "Fair enough", said Elijah.

Mahogany looks Elijah up and down. She notices his chef uniform.

"Why you cooking at your own restaurant?", asked Mahogany.

"It's rare that I do it but I cook here sometimes.", said Elijah.

"That's the special occasion? Or did somebody call out or something", said Mahogany.

"Well honestly I just wanna impress Jordan", said Elijah.

Mahogany smiled at Jordan. "And why the fuck is he your friend? He don't wanna be your friend, he wants the goodies.", said Mahogany.

"And as you can see my sister is very blunt", said Jordan.

Elijah chuckles. "Well I don't want just that one thing, but I do want to get to know her on a different level. But she doesn't want that and I respect it", said Elijah.

"Go cook. I got this, buddy. You give me a good vibe", said Mahogany.

Elijah looked at Jordan.

"Sorry about her", said Jordan with a little embarrassment.

"I'll come back around after y'all eat", said Elijah.

"Thank you", said Jordan.

Elijah walks away.

"Girl, get Ty out of your ass and Elijah into your coochie", said Mahogany.

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