Chapter 3

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Tyquez walks into his house with his things in his hand.

Jordan stands up from the couch.

"Listen, don't be too hard on him okay. He finally told me wh—"

"Stop. He explains it to me. I thought we got out of this babying him shit but you still doing it", said Tyquez.

"Well at least when I was "babying" him, he wasn't fighting in school", said Jordan.

"What you tryna say? Me being tough on him is causing him to fight? Nah Jordan. He's just getting older.", said Tyquez.

"Or maybe it's his cousins that are the influence", said Jordan.

"You talking about my side of the family?", asked Tyquez.

Jordan shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know you tell me", said Jordan.

"How about me you and talk later before you say some shit that'll piss me off and make me not talk to him the way I want to", said Tyquez.

"I mean like maybe it isn't your family. Maybe I'm just...jumping to conclusions. Maybe he just gets that little gene from you", said Jordan.

"Why you coming at me like this?", asked Tyquez. "What I do to you? Better what did somebody else do to you that got you taking that shit out on me? Or do you just want some dick?"

Jordan rolled her eyes. "I wanna know why my son thinks it's okay to fight somebody and threaten to bring a gun to school. That's what I wanna know.", said Jordan in frustration.

"A gun?", asked Tyquez as he made a face. "Just...let me talk to him."

"By all means", said Jordan.

Tyquez walked upstairs.

Jordan sat back down on the couch. She didn't know what she was going off on Tyquez like that. I guess she was upset at the situation. Her son has been acting out lately, she did want to move on from Tyquez sexually, romantically, and physically and she knew she could. She was just upset that when she finally found someone that was her type, he just had to know Tyquez.

Once Tyquez got into Marcus's room he took his tie off.

"So what's going on son? Why are we fighting at school?", asked Tyquez.

"He hit me", said Marcus. "You said if anybody touch me, beat they ass."

"Hey I also said don't repeat everything I say. Why you cursing?", asked Tyquez.

"That's what you said", said Marcus.

Tyquez shook his head. "Why did he touch you Marcus?", asked Tyquez.

"He's been picking on me. Today be pushed me", said Marcus.

"Why you ain't tell a teacher?", asked Tyquez.

"I'm not a punk", said Marcus.

"Okay but if somebody is constantly messing with you, you get an adult. Not threaten to bring a gun to school. Where you get that from?", asked Tyquez. "We don't even have a gun in the house. Who told you to say that."

Tyquez did have a gun in the house, but Marcus didn't know.

"...Corey", he said under his breath.

"Corey?", asked Tyquez.

Corey is Marcus's teenage cousin.

"You know what Marcus. Moral to this conversation is, do not fight at school, if you have something going on let an adult know, and most of all don't follow up with your bad ass cousins", said Tyquez as he stood up.

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