1: Roses have thorns

Start from the beginning

Of course you did, as you're a million times better than him in every way possible.
He's a mistake made by his parents. Nobody ever actually wanted to have him around, as he's nothing but a burden to everyone.

Why did he think you might think differently?
Who was he to hope you maybe want to stay at his side?
How stupid was he?

"And to be honest... You're nice, Ray it's just... You're a bit weird to me. I don't feel all that comfortable. Sorry."


There. The words that brought him to the brink of damnation, spoken by the person he valued more than anything else. "He's weird to you. You don't feel comfortable around him."

Ray's body trembled slightly with fear; every single nerve in his body ached as if someone forced needles into them. He couldn't hold his head up any longer, giving in and lowering it to hide the tears that ran down his cheeks.

It's only natural for you to be weirded out by him, judging by how beautiful and perfect you are.
You're like an angel. Light brighter than the sun while your laugh's more beautiful than any melody in existence.

His mind fell into agony, more painful than the elixir could ever be. Unwittingly, he pressed his fist against his chest, fearing that he might fall apart on the spot and scare you.
It felt like he was crumbling into nothing but dust.

God, he's so pathetic.

Of course you're disgusted by him. He's weird, a freak that didn't deserve to be alive in the first place. Failure from birth and getting abused all his life for his uselessness. Now he couldn't even ask you to stay just to torture him, let out your anger on him.

You're not comfortable with him around, there's no way you'll keep him at your side.
Ray never fell in love before; he never experienced such a kind and warm feeling that managed to brighten up his day no matter how sick or tired he was.
He never admired someone so dearly before, for the time you put into others you care about, for the love you provided unconditionally.

He knew from the very first moment you were too good for him, just as much as he knew that he's not capable of living without you.

He loved you, truly and firmly.

How good he's always too shy and couldn't show the amount of love he has towards you; you wouldn't have liked it. And Ray could've messed up even sooner.
It's basically luck that he never came out of his shell, be bold and take a step forward.

He always feared you would take one back, and now, he knew you would. His mind's blank as nothing but agony fills his body.

The pain of the past, for being replaced, for being abandoned, for being beaten, for being yelled at. And now the pain of unrequited love.
Why is he surprised?
He's nothing but dirt, Ray should've known better than to take up your precious time with his feelings.

For putting you on the spot like this, it's all his fault. He took your time and also made you feel uncomfortable.
Why did he do it?
Why didn't he just shut his stupid mouth and let you feel at ease?

He's so selfish for trying to show what he felt, how much he liked you. How he would give up everything just to make you happy, only to see your smile again. He'd burn down whole Korea, rip off his limbs without questioning.

Why did he not learn from his past? Every dream, every wish he was holding onto wasn't meant for him. He doesn't deserve you, you're way out of league and this was his punishment for being arrogant.

His Savoir was right, Ray didn't have any other worth if he's not hacking. Even if all he asked for was you to stay by his side, he'd give his all to make you happy.
But you probably have people in the outside world who can do that.

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