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"Darius, I told you that we shouldn't be expecting bandits to help us." Kemar complained. Kemar and Darius were thrown into a cell by bandits. "I thought they could help us with navigation to a nearby kingdom or something that can give leads about this world" Darius explained.

Two bandits walked into the room with trays of a weird mushy and sticky substance that had a tint of brown inside. The bandits opened the cell and gave the trays to Kemar and Darius. Darius manages to steal the keys off one of the bandits as they were leaving the room. "Nice, now unlock the door so we can get out of this camp" Kemar said. Darius nodded and unlocked the door of the cell.

"Alright we have to reach the surface and make out of here" Darius explained. Kemar and Darius sneak outside of the room and climb up the ladder. As Kemar reach the surface he flinches as the wind hits his body. "What is this feels amazing" Kemar rejoiced holding his hand up

. One of the guards spotted Darius sneaking out of the base. "Hey, THEY HAVE ESCAPED" The Bandit yelled. Two of guards charged at Darius with swords ready to strike him. Kemar looked at Darius getting charged by Bandits. "Darius! Behind you" Kemar shouted.

"am I going to let Darius die right in front of me. But I don't want him to die.....someone help please." Kemar urged. As Kemar ran towards Darius, he reached his hand out toward the direction the Bandits were at. As Kemar reached his hand out, a gust of wind flew towards the bandits sending them flying towards one of their tents. Kemar stops in his tracks. "Did I that?" Kemar questioned himself. Darius looked at Kemar and yelled "Let's go, we have to get out of here." Darius and Kemar ran out of the Bandit camp and followed a path that lead to flat land. As they were out of the pursuit of the Bandits, Kemar and Darius took a moment to take a rest.

Kemar looks at his hand. "Did I do's possible but...ugh never mind." Kemar said to himself. Darius looked at Kemar and said "Thanks for the save back there. If you hadn't been there I would have probably been dead." Kemar shakes his head. "It was nothing, i couldn't just sit back and let you die right in front of me." Kemar replied. Kemar and Darius walked down the path talking about their next plan of action. "i recommend that we head North. I heard one of bandits talking about a tournament while we were locked up." Darius explained.

Kemar nods in agreement and says "I agree we could probably gets some clues about this place we appeared at." As Kemar and Darius was talking, they heard growls come from the right of them. They turn their heads and see goblins with clubs charging at them. "Are those.... GOBLINS" Darius yelled.

"I thought goblins was a myth. Are we in a fucking fantasy world or something." Kemar thought.

One of goblins charged at Kemar, he swung his club at him. Kemar dodged and dashed back. "Woah, when I was I able to move like this ."

Kemar smiled and punched the goblin in his stomach. The goblin dropped his club and backed up, Kemar dashed at him then punched him two times in the face then kicked him in the stomach causing the goblin to fall on the ground. Meanwhile, two goblins charged at Darius with clubs, the first goblin swung his club at Darius which he dodged and right hooks him causing to go unconscious on the floor. Darius grabbed the club and swings at the second goblin leg causing it to go limb and making the goblin fall on his knees, then Darius charged the club back swung with all his might making a huge dent inside of the goblin head killing it. Darius dropped the club and fell on the floor. Kemar walked over to Darius.

"Hey Darius, you good? Not dead are you?" Kemar asked. "Do I look dead too you" Darius replied. "I guess" Kemar replied helping Darius off the ground. "let's head to that tournament Darius" Kemar said. "Alright" Darius replied wiping the dust off his clothes. Kemar and Darius head North to the Kingdom of Remark. 

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